


Message from Convener

Pooja Misra

Convener, Alumni Relations Committee,
Birla Institute of Management Technology
[email protected]

We create an environment to transform PGDM students into business managers/leaders.

Dear Alumni & Friends

It gives me immense pleasure to serve as the Convener of the Alumni Relations Committee at the Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida. The aim of the Committee is to cultivate a strong and continuous relationship between our respected Alumni community and BIMTECH’s academic and social endeavors.

Our goal is to not only sustain but also improve Alumni engagement on a yearly basis and explore new ways to increase efficiency and performance. With an alumni network exceeding 6500+ individuals worldwide, the Alumni Cell would like to thank and request the BIMTECH Alumni community to continue to play a pivotal role in enhancing students’ educational experiences and contribute to their holistic development comprehensive growth.

BIMTECH boasts of twelve Alumni chapters worldwide, each serving as a hub for Alumni interaction and collaboration. These chapters play a crucial role in fostering long-lasting relationships with our graduates, guaranteeing their active participation in defining the future of your Alma Mater.

We enable effortless connection and networking opportunities for our graduates through channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and our exclusive Alumni Portal. The Alumni Portal functions as a dynamic virtual community, providing a wide range of services such as discussion forums, blogs, job postings, alumni achievements, e-newsletters, and exclusive event invites. It functions as a digital platform that links together Alumni from all backgrounds and experiences, promoting a feeling of inclusion and friendship.

Moreover, the Alumni Cell maintains close ties with the Global Alumni Association of BIMTECH (GAAB), a registered trust governed by elected Alumni representatives.

Whether you are seeking updates on BIMTECH events, connections with fellow Alumni in your area, career opportunities, or avenues for lifelong learning, the Alumni Cell is committed to meeting your needs and if possible assist in the rise of your career graphs. We would be keen and happy to understand how in any way the Institute could be of help in your professional journey and organizations. We are continually exploring new digital initiatives to enhance alumni engagement and provide value-added opportunities for personal and professional growth

To end, I would like to invite you to stay connected with your Alma Mater, engage with fellow Alumni and our existing students, and explore the innumerable opportunities available to you through BIMTECH’s vast network. Together, let us contitnue to be committed to being an integral part of BIMTECH’s journey towards striving to be an Institute of “Excellence with Values” and further build the strong bond that defines the BIMTECH community.

With warm regards,

Pooja Misra,
Convener, Alumni Relations Committee,
Birla Institute of Management Technology

Distinguished Alumni

Alumni Chapters

International Chapter

London Chapter

London Chapter Alumni Meet


This year saw a host of Chapter Meetings conducted by the Alumni Cell one after the other at 8 Indian locations followed by a very successful Chapter Meet at London on June 29, 2019. The venue was fixed at Tamarind Kitchen, Wardour Road, London. Tamarind Kitchen is one of the Best Indian restaurants at London which serves delicious Indian Cuisines to the lovers of Indian food. Interestingly, Wardour Road at London is the most happening place and is located at the posh Central London area where Guests can commute from the outskirts of London with ease because of the availability of public transport.


The Alumni Cell worked hard to connect & engage all alumni based & working at locations near London and across other locations of Europe. The meet was planned well in advance so that all working alumni can plan their participation to the said meet. Initially, connect was low and efforts were made to identify and join the alumni over the London Whattsapp Group so that participation of alumni can be increased. BIMTECH Alumni Social Media Platforms helped in integrating more than 25 Alumni over the London Chapter Whatsapp Group and this connect also made more and more alumni familiar with each other.


The biggest task of conducting this event was to ensure the presence of the alumni at the London Chapter Meet as most of the alumni were staying outside London and had to travel to the venue which would take more than 2.5 hours. Surprisingly, more than a dozen alumni turned up for the meet along with their spouse & children which resulted in a gathering of more than 27 Guests. The meeting started with the briefing of Alumni activities of BIMTECH across the Globe and focused on the contribution of the London Chapter Alumni. All alumni vowed to support BIMTECH in its Endeavour of creating better engagement and to take the Chapter forward with Creative initiatives. One of the Old Alumni Ms. Ankita Batla also opined the idea of Celebrating Mahatma Gandhi Birthday on Oct 02, 2019 by conducting a Social Event at London with the help of the Alumni which incidentally falls on BIMTECH Foundation Day.



We are glad to share the fact that BIMTECH Alumni based at London are interested to take the mantle forward to promote BIMTECH Brand across Europe with full zeal & energy. The meeting ended with thanks to BIMTECH Director Dr. H Chaturvedi and Dr. Gagan Katiyar for organizing a wonderful meet for the London Chapter Alumni along with the Great efforts of Ms. Madhavi Sharma ( Manager-Alumni) helping the Chapter to Unite & Connect as per the time schedules.


National Chapter

Ahmedabad Chapter


The Ahmedabad Chapter Meet was held on the 11th March, 2023 which was attended by thirteen Alumni based out of Ahmedabad & Baroda. A few alumni were also accompanied by their spouse & children that increased the number of attendees to twenty. A few alumni who also wanted to join the event could not be present due to the last-minute urgent engagements. The event was organized at Hotel Fairfield by Marriott based at Ahmedabad. The further discussion was based on the following points:

The members were informed about the activities of GAAB and the members of the GAAB society Briefing the alumni on the engagement activities of the alumni cell of BIMTECH Information about the alumni portal & the alumni app and their benefits Requesting the alumni to tag BIMTECH and Alumni cell on their achievements so that the same can be showcased on BIMTECH alumni social media handles such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. The alumni were requested to plan and conduct at least one CSR activity at Ahmedabad in the academic year 2023-24 and to plan at least two events that may help them further network with the corporate leaders Creation of a distress fund for Alumni where contributions from the alumni community could be mobilsed to help the fellow alumnus in case of emergency Some alumni also showed their interest to support summer internship and help BIMTECH students in future In addition to the same, the alumni introduced themselves to the other members and also shared their memories of BIMTECH. The members were also briefed about the recently released book “Beyond the Beaten Path” which showcased 20 success stories of BIMTECH alumni entrepreneurs. A few complimentary copies were also presented to some alumni by Dr. Gagan Katiyar, Chairperson, Alumni Cell who is also the lead author of the book.

The event concluded with the felicitation of a few senior alumni and the chapter convenor Mr. Abhas Kandya. The attendees also networked over dinner and vowed to increase their interaction & engagement with BIMTECH.


The Alumni meet for the Ahmedabad chapter was held on 11th May 2019 with thirteen alumnus. Some had come with their family members also taking the attendance to 20 plus. The venue of the meeting was Hotel Radisson Blu in Ahmedabad.

Agenda of the alumni meeting:

Attendance of the alumni present and photographs. Updating of the alumni names on the portal with the latest details (if any). Briefing the alumni about the activities of GAAB and its membership. Making the Alumni aware of the activities of the Centre for Alumni relations. Updating the Alumni database for placement prospect. Planning for one CSR activity of the Ahmedabad chapter in the year 2019-20. Option of making the Alumni meet contributory in future.

Besides the above agenda items the Alumni across various batches right from 2004 to 2017 were present. Initially starting with the introduction; briefly everyone shared their journey and growth after Bimtech. Everyone had fond memories of Bimtech. We had a small impromptu singing session also with a couple of Alumni which enervated the atmosphere. This was followed by screening of a film on wildlife shot by our own Alumni Hardik Badgujar. Momentos were also distributed amongst the alumni for candid responses, best memory about all the Alumni etc.

After a fair amount of chit chat and discussion we all had a buffet dinner and ended our meet thereafter.

Banglore Chapter


The Bangalore Alumni chapter Meet was held on October 15th, 2022, in an effort to reconnect with BIMTECH’s alumni after three long years and in more recent times. A total of 120 people attended, and among them, 94 energetic, young alumni from batches 1991 to 2022 who live in Bangalore attended the event with their spouses and kids at the Hotel Renaissance in Bangalore.

Registrations were done throughout the evening to maintain the records, leaving the audience with a major throwback to remember their attendance in college days. There were QR codes on the table, post scanning, which redirected them to a “Fun Quiz” about their Life at BIMTECH. To make it more relatable for every batch the quiz consisted of questions considering the early batches of the college. Continued with an engaging session based on quiz responses which was conducted by Alumni Conduit executive members of Batch of 2021-23.

The executives interacted with the alumni and requested that they share their extensive, more than three-decade-old experience with BIMTECH. To paint a clear image of the past and today, the executives also discussed the changes that BIMTECH has through over the years. The executives began with a rapid-fire round to increase participation and to make it more fascinating. In this round, the audience was asked incisive, perceptive, funny, and intriguing questions that took them back to happy childhood memories.

Subsequently, there was a briefing session which was undertaken by Professor Gagan Katiyar (Chairperson, Alumni relations)

The following details were shared as the Agenda of the Alumni Cell for the Bangalore chapter meet (FY 2022-23)

  • To include 4 events in this academic year. The events may comprise of conferences, industry get together, CSR & professional meetings.
  • Briefing on Alumni portal and Alumni App benefits including networking.
  • The alumni were also requested to update their individual profiles/ job change/ job posting etc. on the Alumni portal.
  • Upcoming Alumni meet- Reflections’22
  • Research Collaboration
  • Retail Summit

After the agenda discussion, Felicitation proceeded. The most senior Alumni from the Batch 1991 were felicitated. Bangalore chapter meet convener, Mr. Ashwin Khandelwal was Felicitated with mementos as a token of appreciation. Alumni who graced this occasion with their spouses and the most interactive alumni were also presented with mementos.

This was followed by snacks, beverages and dinner. The event concluded around 11 p.m. with some alumni still engaged in discussion as one could notice their reluctance to leave. The Alumni left on a happy note with a commitment to interact & engage at more such occasions. They also shared their thoughts to make the alumni meetings more productive and vibrant.



May 25, 2019, Time 6.30 pm, Venue: Ritz Carlton Hotel

On this day, the venue saw a meet like no other. 86 vibrant Bangaluru – based alumni, some of them with spouses and children thronged the Conference Hall in a massively interactive way for caching up with old times, to exchange experiences and make plans for the future.

The three faculties associated with the event, Dr. Gagan Katiyar, Prof. K.K. Krishnan and Prof. Monika Mittal, worked their phones for above ten days to contact each and every one of the alumni listed in the group. The campus alumni department also worked hard to share the latest information on participating and widen the list as much as they could. Luckily for all concerned, the response was overwhelming as the alumni wanted to know the latest developments in the campus as well as about each other.

The first to arrive was Manu, ex – PGDM, almost straight from Frankfurt, were he is employed. This was followed by small group of Retail students and then by Insurance and other streams. As the momentum was building up over soft drinks, a violent hail storm and rain lashed the city. Ignoring this adversity, many alumni trooped in to create a highly charged atmosphere. Among the notable attendees was Mr. B N Chandrasekhar, the senior most alumni from the first batch of BIMTECH who is now a well known entrepreneur from Bangaluru. There were also about six alumni of different streams from the 2018 batch as well. The reception desk was manned by three insurance first year students under the supervision of Prof. Monika Mittal who welcomed each guest.

Prof. Krishnan started the formal proceedings with his welcome address. Prof. Gagan Katiyar then briefed the audience with the latest developments in the alumni front and the campus. He updated the alumni about AACSB rating preparations, and other developments. Prof. Katiyar spoke at length about GAAB, the BIMTECH alumni portal and its versatility and some suggestions for increased alumni activity. He requested the Bengaluru chapter to hold at least two major functions in year, one a CSR initiative by way of giving back to society. The second, it was explained to them, was about conducting a creative and commercial function which could be a Seminar or a Workshop or a Round Table on any topical subject which would interest the industry and enable the chapter to generate participating and other fees to build a positive cash surplus, which can be used for the common benefit. BIMTECH could offer some help for the conduct of these projects.

The alumni were briefed about the blog page on the Alumni portal as well as the page for job listings. Though these are taking place a small way, these should be increased greatly. Prof. Katiyar spoke also about the exclusive annual meet of BIMTECH Women Alumni in NCR, branded as SURGE, which was held for the first time, few months back.

There was a proposal to conduct a competition among all chapters according to some criteria and award prizes for exemplary work.

At the time of registration, information was sought from those alumni volunteering to mentor juniors. Prof. Katiyar thanked the mentors. He also announced the institution of four all India alumni awards: (i) for entrepreneurs (ii) for academic achievements (iii) for Young achievers and (iv) for corporate achievements.

Information was also conveyed about the opening of three external alumni chapters in London, Singapore and Dubai. A chapter in North America is also under consideration. Prof. Katiyar’s announcements were greeted with applause and many clarifications were also sought.

The other highlight of the function was the luck draw event where 10 registered alumni were given gifts on the basis of a Lucky Draw done by children of the alumni from a bowl containing the registration numbers of alumni. This was a great fun event which generated lot of humour and mirth. This was followed by a sumptuous and tasty dinner which earned high praise from the delegates.

The event concluded at about 11.00 pm in a fitting finale on a note that they would all meet again next year, may be, even in bigger numbers!

Hyderabad Chapter



To add on to the heat of Hyderabad on a sizzling Saturday evening, 56 spirited Hyderabad -based alumni graced the event along with their spouses and children, flocking in to the conference hall E Galleria mall for a fantastic and eventful eve.

The attendance was taken and the alumni were asked to update their details in a desired format for the purpose of maintaining records post. It was an amazing opportunity for the alumni to interact with each other as they shared their experiences and caught up with the lives of their peers, this fun event generated a lot of commotion. There was a briefing session which was undertaken by the BIMTECH faculty comprising Dr. Gagan Katiyar. The following details were shared:

  • Agenda of the Alumni Cell for the Hyderabad chapter (FY 2022-23) which is to include 4 events in this academic year. The events may comprise of conferences, industry get together, CSR & professional meetings.
  • GAAB and the purpose of the alumni society including membership enhancement
  • Alumni portal and Alumni App benefits including networking. The alumni were also requested to update their details on the Alumni portal.

The alumni were engaged in the discussion by giving their inputs on the 4 events to be conducted jointly by GAAB, BIMTECH Alumni Cell & members of the Mumbai alumni Chapter. Alumni also shared their memories of the BIMTECH campus and the senior alumni too could not resist to talk about the Pushpa Vihar campus of BIMTECH.

After the long discussion, the gifts were distributed to the spouses, children and lucky draw was taken out for four alumni by Prof. Gagan Katiyar and Prof. Monika Mittal. Prof. Chari was also facilitated on the day for his services The Book on alumni entrepreneurs by Dr Gagan Katiyar  titled “Beyond the Beaten Path “was also shared with the alumni. It was well appreciated by the group.

After the formal event, all members moved to the club where arrangement for food was made. Very senior alumni also attended the events and lot of discussion took place.

The event concluded at around 11 p.m. with some alumni still engaged in discussion as one could notice their reluctance to leave. The alumni left at a Happy note with a commitment to interact & engage at more such occasions.



The event started with welcome speech and updates of institutes by Dr. Gagan Katiyar. Alumni were informed about the following activities done by BIMTECH and Alumni cell over the last one year:

In pursuit of connecting with Bimtech’s Alumni, Alumni Meet was organized at Hyderabad on 18 May 2019. The venue of meet was Chiraan Fort, a very prestigious club in Hyderabad. Bimtech was represented by Dr. Gagan Katiyar, Prof K.R. Chari and Dr. Anuj Sharma.

a) Briefing of BIMTECH Alumni Cell and its activities.
b) Briefing of GAAB Trust and its intended objectives.
c) Alumni mentorship program for current students.
d) Global presence of the 6500+ BIMTECH Alumni and also about the 9 Alumni chapters meets in India & abroad.
e) Participation of Alumni in HR round table, Lyceum, Admission and Placement process.
f) Informed them about the Alma shines, customized alumni website for BIMTECH to maintain and register all BIMTECH alumni under one roof. Fellow alumni can refer them to their companies. Reconnect with classmates and get the latest updates from Institute and Alumni.

Alumni then informed everyone about their latest engagement. Discussions were held to find out ways for maintaining continuous relationship with Alumni community by means of guest lectures, mentorship program, finding opportunities for internship and short term projects for current students. Discussions were also held for finding ways of giving publicity to alumni community for initiatives taken by them in their respective chapters. There was suggestion to hold at least two events in the chapter, one corporate and one CSR, which will be supported by BIMTECH. This meet was attended by more than 25 alumni along with their family.

After the formal function everyone shared their memories of Bimtech over dinner. Overall it turned out to be a memorable event for everyone who attended it.

Pune Chapter

Pune Alumni Chapter Meet-2022 April 29, 2022. Time 7:00 pm, Venue: Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune


In pursuit of connecting with BIMTECH’s Alumni, Pune Chapter Alumni Meet was organized on Friday 29 April 2022. The venue of the meeting was Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune, a very prestigious 5-Star Hotel based at Raja Bahadur Mill Road, Pune. BIMTECH Alumni Cell was represented by Dr. Gagan Katiyar and Prof. Manoj Pant.


The event started with the Welcome speech followed by updates about the Institute. The Alumni were also informed about the activities conducted by BIMTECH Alumni cell during the last year two years. Some of the major discussions held are as follows:


  • Briefing of BIMTECH Alumni Cell and its activities.
  • Identify and discuss four events including 2 family events and 2 CSR events conducted by alumni in each chapter meet the incoming academic year 2022-2023
  • Assigning special role to alumni convenor and alumni co-convener of the Pune chapter. They would be responsible for organising the above events.
  • Encouraging alumni to increase job postings and get engaged with the alumni community over the digital & social platforms of BIMTECH.
  • Briefing about GAAB Society and its intended objectives and requesting the alumni to join GAAB (Global Alumni Association of Bimtech) membership.


Mr Alok Gupta, President-GAAB (Global Alumni Association of BIMTECH) also joined the alumni get together and addressed the alumni so as to foster a better alumni engagement in future too.


Discussions were also held to identify innovative ways for maintaining a continuous engagement with the Alumni community. The meet was attended by 23 alumni along with their families. Informally during the dinner, the attendees shared their memories of BIMTECH during their college days. This memorable event concluded at 11 pm with a pledge to conduct the future events discussed during the meeting.


Pune Chapter Meet, 2019 In pursuit of connecting with BIMTECH’s Alumni, Pune Chapter Alumni Meet was organized on Saturday 04 May 2019. The venue of the meet was THE MOSAIC fine dining restaurant in Hotel Crowne Plaza, Pune, a very prestigious 5-Star Hotel, Bund Garden Road, Pune. BIMTECH was represented by Dr. Anuj Sharma and Prof. Chanchal Kushwaha.


The event started with the Welcome speech followed by updates of Institute, Alumni were informed about the following activities done by BIMTECH and Alumni cell over the last one year:


  • Briefing of BIMTECH Alumni Cell and its activities.
  • Briefing of GAAB Trust and its intended objectives.
  • Alumni mentorship program for current students.
  • Update about the prestigious Atal Incubation Center BIMTECH – Atal Innovation Mission
  • Shared our progress about the goal of achieving the coveted Gold Standard in Management Education i.e AACSB Accreditation.

    Global presence of the 6500+ BIMTECH Alumni and also about the 9 Alumni chapters meets in India & abroad.
  • Participation of Alumni in HR round table, Lyceum, Admission and Placement process.
  • Informed them about the Alma shines, customized alumni website for BIMTECH to maintain and register all BIMTECH alumni under one roof. Fellow alumni can refer them to their companies. Reconnect with classmates and get the latest updates from Institute and Alumni.
Mumbai Chapter


Mumbai Alumni Chapter Meet-2022 April 30, 2022, Time 7:00 pm, Venue: Karl Residency, Andheri (West), Mumbai


To add on to the heat of Mumbai on a sizzling Saturday evening, 86 spirited Mumbai-based alumni graced the event along with their spouses and children, flocking in to the conference hall of Karl Residency for a fantastic and eventful eve.


The attendance was taken and the alumni were asked to update their details in a desired format for the purpose of maintaining records post which an ice breaking session was conducted by alumni conduit members belonging to the batch of 2021-23. It was an amazing opportunity for the alumni to interact with each other as they shared their experiences and caught up with the lives of their peers, this fun event generated a lot of commotion. Goodies were distributed to the ones who volunteered to speak. Subsequently, there was a briefing session which was undertaken by the BIMTECH faculty comprising Dr Gagan Katiyar & Prof. Manoj Pant. Also present on the Dias were Mr. Alok Gupta, President-Global Alumni Association of BIMTECH (GAAB) and senior alumnus Dr. Anshul Verma. The following details were shared:


  • Agenda of the Alumni Cell for the Mumbai chapter (FY 2022-23) which is to include 4 events in this academic year. The events may comprise of conferences, industry get together, CSR & professional meetings.
  • GAAB and the purpose of the alumni society including membership enhancement
  • Alumni portal and Alumni App benefits including networking. The alumni were also requested to update their details on the Alumni portal.


The alumni were engaged in the discussion by giving their inputs on the 4 events to be conducted jointly by GAAB, BIMTECH Alumni Cell & members of the Mumbai alumni Chapter. Alumni also shared their memories of the BIMTECH campus and the senior alumni too could not resist to talk about the Pushpa Vihar campus of BIMTECH. After the long discussion, the alumni were left to interact with each other informally during dinner. The event was brought to life with photos and video clips captured by Mr Joginder Kumar through his lenses.


The event concluded at around 11 p.m. with some alumni still engaged in discussion as one could notice their reluctance to leave. The alumni left at a Happy note with a commitment to interact & engage at more such occasions.


Mumbai on 4th May 2019



The much awaited alumni meet was scheduled on 4th May 2019 6 pm onwards in Mumbai at the banquet hall of Hotel Karl Residency in Andheri West. This banquet hall was location because of its central location. The meet was attended by 70 plus alumni along with their spouses and children. Total attendance was 100+. For the first time we had people from very senior batches coming in for the meet. The attendance was taken and the alumni were asked to update their coordinates in a desired format for record purpose. The alumni briefing was done by Dr Gagan Katiyar. The following were shared:


  • Annual activity report of the Alumni cell.
  • GAAB (Global Alumni Association of Bimtech) and its membership details were shared. The purpose of the body was also shared. This body operates independently of Bimtech, Greater Noida.
  • Alumni portal benefits were also shared. Students were asked to update their individual profiles/ job change/ job posting etc. on the Alumni portal. The benefits of networking were also shared.
  • One CSR activity to be undertaken by the Mumbai chapter alumni body.


The senior alumni shared their fond memories of their stay in Bimtech’s Pushp Vihar campus. They also shared their thoughts to make the alumni meets more productive and vibrant. The ideas also came from many alumni how to engage more with the college and the students. Prof Manoj Pant also share the idea of the senior alumni taking leads:


  • For mentoring the college students and helping out in summer internships and placements.
  • Inviting them for the guest lecture in the college, viva, Academic advisory, being judge in programs like Lyceum etc.


We conducted 5-6 lucky draws and awarded the various winners with goodies. We also awarded the alumni who were helpful in running the chapter with their effort.


After that we had formed small groups of Alumni with senior and junior alumni on the same round table. This ensured good networking and engagement with each other. Alumni also gave suggestions as to how to improve the engagement of the Alumni chapters. Lots of photographs and selfies were taken by the Alumni.


This was followed by snacks, beverages and dinner. The discussion amongst the alumni was still happening much after the dinner ended.

Kolkata Chapter

The Alumni Chapter 2019 was successfully conducted at Kolkata on May 18 2019 wherein 21 alumni attended the event with their spouses and families. Additionally 7 alumni members called prior to the event to express their inability to attend due to ongoing election duties and their desire to reconnect with BIMTECH for future activities. As a Guest of Honor, Prof. A.K Biswas was invited by Prof. Krishan to interact with the students and he was warmly welcomed by all participants.



A positive discussion was undertaken with the students on various issues of the agenda. The discussion is detailed as below,

  • 1. Visiting HR Heads of Companies with reference from some of senior alumni/Getting leads and creating HR database with their help: Many of alumni indicated their interested in helping BIMTECH in updating the extant database. However, they requested that instead of faculty members driving the placement process; students should be encouraged to take up this responsibility. The alumni also suggested that the CCR cell should take more initiative to speak with alumni and initiate more frequent contact.
  • 2. Briefing of BIMTECH Alumni Cell and its activities: The update was given for the recent activities, instituted awards and efforts of Alumni cell to create a more integrated network of Alumni members. The information was appreciated by all participants who also wanted to have more frequent dissemination of information from the institute. A suggestion was made to re-share the links of Facebook, twitter and Linkedin pages of the Alumni cell and use the social media for increasing frequency of contact. These pages may also be used by Alumni for tagging and promotion of BIMTECH.
  • 3. Mapping expectations of alumni from BIMTECH: In terms of expectations, the most alumni expected a much greater frequency of contact than available at present. The alumni also expected the Institute to maintain a more social or informal contact with more than one meeting being held in a year. Suggestions were made to meet 4 – 6 times in a year to create a deeper relationship between the alums and the institute. The alums have also expressed their desire to work for brand – building of BIMTECH if the institute maintains frequent contact with the local chapter.
  • 4. To identify & discuss two creative events to be conducted by the alumni in the coming academic year: Kolkata chapter has decided to hold a CSR oriented event in July 2019 to give back to the society. An additional event will be discussed and decided upon at a later date.
  • 5. Addition of members in the local WhatsApp group of the respective chapter and registering themselves on BIMTECH alumni portal and other social media platforms: Details of missing members or new members has been shared and added to local whatsapp groups. The alumni are of the opinion that the Portal is ineffective for frequent contact and that social media be appropriately used for local chapters as well.
  • 6. Encouraging the alumni to increase job postings & creating blogs on the alumni portal: Alumni have suggested that instead of the portal, Linkedin pages may be used for such postings and information dissemination.
  • 7. Identifying & creating database for providing mentorship to our current students/Atal Incubation Centre: 14 alums have shown interest in the mentorship program whose details have been submitted to the Alumni Cell.
  • 8. Any other creative suggestions for regular interaction: Regularization of Chapter meet and conducted of 4 – 6 informal meets in one year has been suggested by the Alums.


Delhi/NCR Chapter
Delhi Chapter Meet : 27th July 2019 – Anand Niketan Club,new Delhi


“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” – Dr. Seuss .The above quote stood true the moment when more than 120 alumni who came for the Delhi Chapter Meet, met each other after a long time. Birla Institute of Management Technology organised a Chapter Meet in Delhi on the 27th of July 2019 at Anand Niketan Club to bring together all its alumni and their family together for a grand evening and a memorable experience.



The enthusiasm and excitement of alumni was at peak for the Chapter Meet as they started coming in huge numbers from 6:30 pm onwards. The Chapter Meet not only saw a rise in the recent batch pass outs but saw a huge rise and witness of alumni from the older batches as well.


The registration began at 6:30 pm sharp and continued till 8: 30 pm as the meet saw the surge and peak till 8 pm. The introduction and welcome speech began at exactly 7:30 pm by Dr. Gagan Katiyar, Convener, Alumni Cell as he thanked the alumni for their presence and taking out time from their busy schedule. The working of Alumni Portal and the agenda of the meet was discussed in details during the welcome speech. The Chapter Meet also marked a significant importance as the new manager of Alumni Interface Cell, Ms Madhavi Sharma was introduced to the Alumni and the huge progress the Cell had done within months of her joining as the Manager.


Prof. Pratik Priyadarshi then spoke about the Executive MBA being launched for the first time at Bimtech and how the course would play a significant role in moulding and churning out new managers and leaders.


The Chief Guest for the evening ,Mr. Sakate Khaitan has conveyed his best wishes for the Meet and shared his vision for the Institute as well as for the alumni network and wanted it to be the best among the other B schools in the coming years on video call.


This was followed by the Speech of the President of GAAB , Mr . Alok Gupta followed by Mr. Mohit Chhabra. Both while welcoming the alumni focussed and stressed on the need of a strong alumni network and the role that each alumnus/alumnae has to play to ensure a wider and a strong base.



The Alumnae of Bimtech have also played a huge role in widening and establishing a huge global name for Bimtech. The Women Alumni Meet, Surge also helped the Cell create better network and relations with the Alumnae. The Cell, to thank and congratulate them for their contribution felicitated some of the senior and distinguished Alumnae.


To add to the excitement factor of the meet there was a lucky draw organised with each winner winning a chocolate as a gift. To keep the Alumni engaged game like “Shoot the balloon “and activities for kids like tattoo making, wrist bands of names was also arranged which was highly enjoyed. This was followed by a Video prepared by the Alumni Conduit Members which showed the various activities and events done by the Conduit in the recent past to create excitement and boost the expectations of the alumni for the current year.


The meet ended the Vote of Thanks by Dr. Gagan Katiyar .The Alumni interacted and bonded over dinner as they shared stories and incidents and were gripped by nostalgia as hey went down the memory lanes of the Institute.


The meet was a highly successful event with respect to objectives, interaction and networking. The huge presence of alumni in the meet made it cherishable for years to come as the Alumni Cell looks forward to organise and arrange such successful meets in the near future.


Chennai Chapter



In pursuit of connecting with BIMTECH’s Alumni, post covid times, and after 3 long years, Chennai Alumni chapter Meet was organized on 25th February 2023. Fifteen young spirited Chennai-based Alumni from across the programs graced the event along with their spouse and children at Park Plaza Hotel, Chennai.

As usual, registrations were done to record their presence which also reminded them of marking their attendance during the college days. The QR codes were placed on the venue tables and the alumni were requested to scan the same which redirected them to a “throwback questionnaire” which was about “Life at BIMTECH”. Alumni were made to answer the questions that related to memories of the past during their stay at the campus. This was continued with an ice breaking session which was conducted by Alumni Conduit executive members of Batch of 2022-24.

With a quick show of hands, the executives called upon on stage Alumni from batch 2000-2005 to share their experience & recall memories of BIMTECH almost two decades back. The executives further updated the developments at BIMTECH over the past years to apprise the alumni about the current status and the achievements of their Alma-mater. To make it more engaging and to ensure maximum participation, the conduit executives started with the Rapid fire round where crisp, smart, witty and interesting questions were asked that led the audience to reminiscence old memories and enjoy the lighter moments.

Subsequently, there was a briefing session which was undertaken by Professor Gagan Katiyar (Chairperson, Alumni relations)

The following details were shared as the Agenda of the Alumni Cell for the Chennai chapter meet (FY 2023-24)

  • To include 4 events in this academic year. The events may comprise of Conferences, Industry get- together and events related to CSR.
  • Briefing on Alumni portal and Alumni App benefits including networking.
  • The alumni were also requested to update their individual profiles/ job change/ job posting etc. on the Alumni portal.

Chennai chapter meet convener, Mr. V. Varun was presented with a memento as a token of appreciation. Alumni who graced this occasion with their spouse and the most interactive alumni were also presented with gifts. The event was brought to life with professional photo and video coverage.

This was followed by snacks, beverages and dinner. The event concluded around 11 p.m. with some alumni still engaged in discussion as one could notice their reluctance to leave. The Alumni left on a happy note with a commitment to interact & engage at more such occasions. They also shared their thoughts to make the alumni meetings more productive and vibrant.



The function commenced at around 7.00pm in a venue at Hotel Savera. The ground work for the meet at the local level was laid by our alumni Mr. Varun Venkitakrishnan, Mr. Geetesh Garg and Mr. Kirtivasan, all from PGDM-IBM batches. It was conveyed to us that this function was the first formal alumni meet ever held at Chennai as most of the previous meeting were informal with about 8-10 alumni attending. For this meet, in all, there were 29 BIMTECH alumni who participated out of a registration of 31.Of the 29 participants, 6 were lady alumni. They ranged from the batches 2005-07 to 2016-18. Among the participants were two spouses and a child.

Prof. Priyadharshi welcoming the audience briefly touched upon few of the latest developments in the BIMTECH campus. He stressed that the alumnus could contribute significantly to the brand building of their alma mater.

Prof. Krishnan narrated latest developments on the alumni front, such as the revamping of the alumni portal, increase in its versatility, the developments with regard to GAAB etc. It was explained to assembly that with a view to making the chapters more relevant and self-sufficient it was proposed that they should be conducting two major events every year. One was the a CSR project which the alumni can launch taking into account the local factors as well as the support from various corporates in the city BIMTECH would also help in the conduct of the activity. The idea was to pay back to the society as an initiative from the Chennai chapter of BIMTECH alumni. A creative second event has also to be held by the chapter. It could take the form a seminar/workshop or conference dealing with a very topical subject or issue which would be found relevant by the local industry or corporates. It could be a one or a two day event. The funding for this function will be generated at the chapter level through ad sales in the Souvenir or by other means. The chapter gets to keep the balance amount after expenses, which can be utilized for building a corpus.

The alumni were also informed about a proposal for instituting four awards at the all India levels to develop a spirit of competition among the chapters, the details of will be communicated to them soon. By way of feedback, the alumni who were very enthusiastic, wanted at least one formal meet like the current one each year with BIMTECH participation and were willing to offer they help for implementing all the schemes. They also wanted regular communication from the alumni department.

The function concluded with a vote of thanks from the professors after a sumptuous dinner at Hotel Savera.

Inernational Chapter
London Chapter Alumni Meet

This year saw a host of Chapter Meetings conducted by the Alumni Cell one after the other at 8 Indian locations followed by a very successful Chapter Meet at London on June 29, 2019. The venue was fixed at Tamarind Kitchen, Wardour Road, London. Tamarind Kitchen is one of the Best Indian restaurants at London which serves delicious Indian Cuisines to the lovers of Indian food. Interestingly, Wardour Road at London is the most happening place and is located at the posh Central London area where Guests can commute from the outskirts of London with ease because of the availability of public transport.

The Alumni Cell worked hard to connect & engage all alumni based & working at locations near London and across other locations of Europe. The meet was planned well in advance so that all working alumni can plan their participation to the said meet. Initially, connect was low and efforts were made to identify and join the alumni over the London Whattsapp Group so that participation of alumni can be increased. BIMTECH Alumni Social Media Platforms helped in integrating more than 25 Alumni over the London Chapter Whatsapp Group and this connect also made more and more alumni familiar with each other.

The biggest task of conducting this event was to ensure the presence of the alumni at the London Chapter Meet as most of the alumni were staying outside London and had to travel to the venue which would take more than 2.5 hours. Surprisingly, more than a dozen alumni turned up for the meet along with their spouse & children which resulted in a gathering of more than 27 Guests. The meeting started with the briefing of Alumni activities of BIMTECH across the Globe and focused on the contribution of the London Chapter Alumni. All alumni vowed to support BIMTECH in its Endeavour of creating better engagement and to take the Chapter forward with Creative initiatives. One of the Old Alumni Ms. Ankita Batla also opined the idea of Celebrating Mahatma Gandhi Birthday on Oct 02, 2019 by conducting a Social Event at London with the help of the Alumni which incidentally falls on BIMTECH Foundation Day.

We are glad to share the fact that BIMTECH Alumni based at London are interested to take the mantle forward to promote BIMTECH Brand across Europe with full zeal & energy. The meeting ended with thanks to BIMTECH Director Dr. H Chaturvedi and Dr. Gagan Katiyar for organizing a wonderful meet for the London Chapter Alumni along with the Great efforts of Ms. Madhavi Sharma ( Manager-Alumni) helping the Chapter to Unite & Connect as per the time schedules.

National Chapter


The Ahmedabad Chapter Meet was held on the 11th March, 2023 which was attended by thirteen Alumni based out of Ahmedabad & Baroda. A few alumni were also accompanied by their spouse & children that increased the number of attendees to twenty. A few alumni who also wanted to join the event could not be present due to the last-minute urgent engagements. The event was organized at Hotel Fairfield by Marriott based at Ahmedabad. The further discussion was based on the following points:

  • The members were informed about the activities of GAAB and the members of the GAAB society
  • Briefing the alumni on the engagement activities of the alumni cell of BIMTECH
  • Information about the alumni portal & the alumni app and their benefits
  • Requesting the alumni to tag BIMTECH and Alumni cell on their achievements so that the same can be showcased on BIMTECH alumni social media handles such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.
  • The alumni were requested to plan and conduct at least one CSR activity at Ahmedabad in the academic year 2023-24 and to plan at least two events that may help them further network with the corporate leaders
  • Creation of a distress fund for Alumni where contributions from the alumni community could be mobilsed to help the fellow alumnus in case of emergency
  • Some alumni also showed their interest to support summer internship and help BIMTECH students in future

In addition to the same, the alumni introduced themselves to the other members and also shared their memories of BIMTECH. The members were also briefed about the recently released book “Beyond the Beaten Path” which showcased 20 success stories of BIMTECH alumni entrepreneurs. A few complimentary copies were also presented to some alumni by Dr. Gagan Katiyar, Chairperson, Alumni Cell who is also the lead author of the book.

The event concluded with the felicitation of a few senior alumni and the chapter convenor Mr. Abhas Kandya. The attendees also networked over dinner and vowed to increase their interaction & engagement with BIMTECH.



The Alumni meet for the Ahmedabad chapter was held on 11th May 2019 with thirteen alumnus. Some had come with their family members also taking the attendance to 20 plus. The venue of the meeting was Hotel Radisson Blu in Ahmedabad.

Agenda of the alumni meeting:

  • Attendance of the alumni present and photographs.
  • Updating of the alumni names on the portal with the latest details (if any).
  • Briefing the alumni about the activities of GAAB and its membership.
  • Making the Alumni aware of the activities of the Centre for Alumni relations.
  • Updating the Alumni database for placement prospect.
  • Planning for one CSR activity of the Ahmedabad chapter in the year 2019-20.
  • Option of making the Alumni meet contributory in future.

Besides the above agenda items the Alumni across various batches right from 2004 to 2017 were present. Initially starting with the introduction; briefly everyone shared their journey and growth after Bimtech. Everyone had fond memories of Bimtech. We had a small impromptu singing session also with a couple of Alumni which enervated the atmosphere. This was followed by screening of a film on wildlife shot by our own Alumni Hardik Badgujar. Momentos were also distributed amongst the alumni for candid responses, best memory about all the Alumni etc.

After a fair amount of chit chat and discussion we all had a buffet dinner and ended our meet thereafter.


The Bangalore Alumni chapter Meet was held on October 15th, 2022, in an effort to reconnect with BIMTECH’s alumni after three long years and in more recent times. A total of 120 people attended, and among them, 94 energetic, young alumni from batches 1991 to 2022 who live in Bangalore attended the event with their spouses and kids at the Hotel Renaissance in Bangalore.

Registrations were done throughout the evening to maintain the records, leaving the audience with a major throwback to remember their attendance in college days. There were QR codes on the table, post scanning, which redirected them to a “Fun Quiz” about their Life at BIMTECH. To make it more relatable for every batch the quiz consisted of questions considering the early batches of the college. Continued with an engaging session based on quiz responses which was conducted by Alumni Conduit executive members of Batch of 2021-23.

The executives interacted with the alumni and requested that they share their extensive, more than three-decade-old experience with BIMTECH. To paint a clear image of the past and today, the executives also discussed the changes that BIMTECH has through over the years. The executives began with a rapid-fire round to increase participation and to make it more fascinating. In this round, the audience was asked incisive, perceptive, funny, and intriguing questions that took them back to happy childhood memories.

Subsequently, there was a briefing session which was undertaken by Professor Gagan Katiyar (Chairperson, Alumni relations)

The following details were shared as the Agenda of the Alumni Cell for the Bangalore chapter meet (FY 2022-23)

  • To include 4 events in this academic year. The events may comprise of conferences, industry get together, CSR & professional meetings.
  • Briefing on Alumni portal and Alumni App benefits including networking.
  • The alumni were also requested to update their individual profiles/ job change/ job posting etc. on the Alumni portal.
  • Upcoming Alumni meet- Reflections’22
  • Research Collaboration
  • Retail Summit

After the agenda discussion, Felicitation proceeded. The most senior Alumni from the Batch 1991 were felicitated. Bangalore chapter meet convener, Mr. Ashwin Khandelwal was Felicitated with mementos as a token of appreciation. Alumni who graced this occasion with their spouses and the most interactive alumni were also presented with mementos.

This was followed by snacks, beverages and dinner. The event concluded around 11 p.m. with some alumni still engaged in discussion as one could notice their reluctance to leave. The Alumni left on a happy note with a commitment to interact & engage at more such occasions. They also shared their thoughts to make the alumni meetings more productive and vibrant.



May 25, 2019, Time 6.30 pm, Venue: Ritz Carlton Hotel

On this day, the venue saw a meet like no other. 86 vibrant Bangaluru – based alumni, some of them with spouses and children thronged the Conference Hall in a massively interactive way for caching up with old times, to exchange experiences and make plans for the future.

The three faculties associated with the event, Dr. Gagan Katiyar, Prof. K.K. Krishnan and Prof. Monika Mittal, worked their phones for above ten days to contact each and every one of the alumni listed in the group. The campus alumni department also worked hard to share the latest information on participating and widen the list as much as they could. Luckily for all concerned, the response was overwhelming as the alumni wanted to know the latest developments in the campus as well as about each other.

The first to arrive was Manu, ex – PGDM, almost straight from Frankfurt, were he is employed. This was followed by small group of Retail students and then by Insurance and other streams. As the momentum was building up over soft drinks, a violent hail storm and rain lashed the city. Ignoring this adversity, many alumni trooped in to create a highly charged atmosphere. Among the notable attendees was Mr. B N Chandrasekhar, the senior most alumni from the first batch of BIMTECH who is now a well known entrepreneur from Bangaluru. There were also about six alumni of different streams from the 2018 batch as well. The reception desk was manned by three insurance first year students under the supervision of Prof. Monika Mittal who welcomed each guest.

Prof. Krishnan started the formal proceedings with his welcome address. Prof. Gagan Katiyar then briefed the audience with the latest developments in the alumni front and the campus. He updated the alumni about AACSB rating preparations, and other developments. Prof. Katiyar spoke at length about GAAB, the BIMTECH alumni portal and its versatility and some suggestions for increased alumni activity. He requested the Bengaluru chapter to hold at least two major functions in year, one a CSR initiative by way of giving back to society. The second, it was explained to them, was about conducting a creative and commercial function which could be a Seminar or a Workshop or a Round Table on any topical subject which would interest the industry and enable the chapter to generate participating and other fees to build a positive cash surplus, which can be used for the common benefit. BIMTECH could offer some help for the conduct of these projects.

The alumni were briefed about the blog page on the Alumni portal as well as the page for job listings. Though these are taking place a small way, these should be increased greatly. Prof. Katiyar spoke also about the exclusive annual meet of BIMTECH Women Alumni in NCR, branded as SURGE, which was held for the first time, few months back.

There was a proposal to conduct a competition among all chapters according to some criteria and award prizes for exemplary work.

At the time of registration, information was sought from those alumni volunteering to mentor juniors. Prof. Katiyar thanked the mentors. He also announced the institution of four all India alumni awards: (i) for entrepreneurs (ii) for academic achievements (iii) for Young achievers and (iv) for corporate achievements.

Information was also conveyed about the opening of three external alumni chapters in London, Singapore and Dubai. A chapter in North America is also under consideration. Prof. Katiyar’s announcements were greeted with applause and many clarifications were also sought.

The other highlight of the function was the luck draw event where 10 registered alumni were given gifts on the basis of a Lucky Draw done by children of the alumni from a bowl containing the registration numbers of alumni. This was a great fun event which generated lot of humour and mirth. This was followed by a sumptuous and tasty dinner which earned high praise from the delegates.

The event concluded at about 11.00 pm in a fitting finale on a note that they would all meet again next year, may be, even in bigger numbers!




To add on to the heat of Hyderabad on a sizzling Saturday evening, 56 spirited Hyderabad -based alumni graced the event along with their spouses and children, flocking in to the conference hall E Galleria mall for a fantastic and eventful eve.

The attendance was taken and the alumni were asked to update their details in a desired format for the purpose of maintaining records post. It was an amazing opportunity for the alumni to interact with each other as they shared their experiences and caught up with the lives of their peers, this fun event generated a lot of commotion. There was a briefing session which was undertaken by the BIMTECH faculty comprising Dr. Gagan Katiyar. The following details were shared:

  • Agenda of the Alumni Cell for the Hyderabad chapter (FY 2022-23) which is to include 4 events in this academic year. The events may comprise of conferences, industry get together, CSR & professional meetings.
  • GAAB and the purpose of the alumni society including membership enhancement
  • Alumni portal and Alumni App benefits including networking. The alumni were also requested to update their details on the Alumni portal.

The alumni were engaged in the discussion by giving their inputs on the 4 events to be conducted jointly by GAAB, BIMTECH Alumni Cell & members of the Mumbai alumni Chapter. Alumni also shared their memories of the BIMTECH campus and the senior alumni too could not resist to talk about the Pushpa Vihar campus of BIMTECH.

After the long discussion, the gifts were distributed to the spouses, children and lucky draw was taken out for four alumni by Prof. Gagan Katiyar and Prof. Monika Mittal. Prof. Chari was also facilitated on the day for his services The Book on alumni entrepreneurs by Dr Gagan Katiyar  titled “Beyond the Beaten Path “was also shared with the alumni. It was well appreciated by the group.

After the formal event, all members moved to the club where arrangement for food was made. Very senior alumni also attended the events and lot of discussion took place.

The event concluded at around 11 p.m. with some alumni still engaged in discussion as one could notice their reluctance to leave. The alumni left at a Happy note with a commitment to interact & engage at more such occasions.



The event started with welcome speech and updates of institutes by Dr. Gagan Katiyar. Alumni were informed about the following activities done by BIMTECH and Alumni cell over the last one year:

In pursuit of connecting with Bimtech’s Alumni, Alumni Meet was organized at Hyderabad on 18 May 2019. The venue of meet was Chiraan Fort, a very prestigious club in Hyderabad. Bimtech was represented by Dr. Gagan Katiyar, Prof K.R. Chari and Dr. Anuj Sharma.

a) Briefing of BIMTECH Alumni Cell and its activities.
b) Briefing of GAAB Trust and its intended objectives.
c) Alumni mentorship program for current students.
d) Global presence of the 6500+ BIMTECH Alumni and also about the 9 Alumni chapters meets in India & abroad.
e) Participation of Alumni in HR round table, Lyceum, Admission and Placement process.
f) Informed them about the Alma shines, customized alumni website for BIMTECH to maintain and register all BIMTECH alumni under one roof. Fellow alumni can refer them to their companies. Reconnect with classmates and get the latest updates from Institute and Alumni.

Alumni then informed everyone about their latest engagement. Discussions were held to find out ways for maintaining continuous relationship with Alumni community by means of guest lectures, mentorship program, finding opportunities for internship and short term projects for current students. Discussions were also held for finding ways of giving publicity to alumni community for initiatives taken by them in their respective chapters. There was suggestion to hold at least two events in the chapter, one corporate and one CSR, which will be supported by BIMTECH. This meet was attended by more than 25 alumni along with their family.

After the formal function everyone shared their memories of Bimtech over dinner. Overall it turned out to be a memorable event for everyone who attended it.

Pune Alumni Chapter Meet-2022 April 29, 2022. Time 7:00 pm, Venue: Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune

In pursuit of connecting with BIMTECH’s Alumni, Pune Chapter Alumni Meet was organized on Friday 29 April 2022. The venue of the meeting was Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune, a very prestigious 5-Star Hotel based at Raja Bahadur Mill Road, Pune. BIMTECH Alumni Cell was represented by Dr. Gagan Katiyar and Prof. Manoj Pant.

The event started with the Welcome speech followed by updates about the Institute. The Alumni were also informed about the activities conducted by BIMTECH Alumni cell during the last year two years. Some of the major discussions held are as follows:

  • Briefing of BIMTECH Alumni Cell and its activities.
  • Identify and discuss four events including 2 family events and 2 CSR events conducted by alumni in each chapter meet the incoming academic year 2022-2023
  • Assigning special role to alumni convenor and alumni co-convener of the Pune chapter. They would be responsible for organising the above events.
  • Encouraging alumni to increase job postings and get engaged with the alumni community over the digital & social platforms of BIMTECH.
  • Briefing about GAAB Society and its intended objectives and requesting the alumni to join GAAB (Global Alumni Association of Bimtech) membership.

Mr Alok Gupta, President-GAAB (Global Alumni Association of BIMTECH) also joined the alumni get together and addressed the alumni so as to foster a better alumni engagement in future too.

Discussions were also held to identify innovative ways for maintaining a continuous engagement with the Alumni community. The meet was attended by 23 alumni along with their families. Informally during the dinner, the attendees shared their memories of BIMTECH during their college days. This memorable event concluded at 11 pm with a pledge to conduct the future events discussed during the meeting.

Pune Chapter Meet, 2019 In pursuit of connecting with BIMTECH’s Alumni, Pune Chapter Alumni Meet was organized on Saturday 04 May 2019. The venue of the meet was THE MOSAIC fine dining restaurant in Hotel Crowne Plaza, Pune, a very prestigious 5-Star Hotel, Bund Garden Road, Pune. BIMTECH was represented by Dr. Anuj Sharma and Prof. Chanchal Kushwaha.

The event started with the Welcome speech followed by updates of Institute, Alumni were informed about the following activities done by BIMTECH and Alumni cell over the last one year:

  • Briefing of BIMTECH Alumni Cell and its activities.
  • Briefing of GAAB Trust and its intended objectives.
  • Alumni mentorship program for current students.
  • Update about the prestigious Atal Incubation Center BIMTECH – Atal Innovation Mission
  • Shared our progress about the goal of achieving the coveted Gold Standard in Management Education i.e AACSB Accreditation.
  • Global presence of the 6500+ BIMTECH Alumni and also about the 9 Alumni chapters meets in India & abroad.
  • Participation of Alumni in HR round table, Lyceum, Admission and Placement process.
  • Informed them about the Alma shines, customized alumni website for BIMTECH to maintain and register all BIMTECH alumni under one roof. Fellow alumni can refer them to their companies. Reconnect with classmates and get the latest updates from Institute and Alumni.

Mumbai Alumni Chapter Meet-2022 April 30, 2022, Time 7:00 pm, Venue: Karl Residency, Andheri (West), Mumbai

To add on to the heat of Mumbai on a sizzling Saturday evening, 86 spirited Mumbai-based alumni graced the event along with their spouses and children, flocking in to the conference hall of Karl Residency for a fantastic and eventful eve.

The attendance was taken and the alumni were asked to update their details in a desired format for the purpose of maintaining records post which an ice breaking session was conducted by alumni conduit members belonging to the batch of 2021-23. It was an amazing opportunity for the alumni to interact with each other as they shared their experiences and caught up with the lives of their peers, this fun event generated a lot of commotion. Goodies were distributed to the ones who volunteered to speak. Subsequently, there was a briefing session which was undertaken by the BIMTECH faculty comprising Dr Gagan Katiyar & Prof. Manoj Pant. Also present on the Dias were Mr. Alok Gupta, President-Global Alumni Association of BIMTECH (GAAB) and senior alumnus Dr. Anshul Verma. The following details were shared:

  • Agenda of the Alumni Cell for the Mumbai chapter (FY 2022-23) which is to include 4 events in this academic year. The events may comprise of conferences, industry get together, CSR & professional meetings.
  • GAAB and the purpose of the alumni society including membership enhancement
  • Alumni portal and Alumni App benefits including networking. The alumni were also requested to update their details on the Alumni portal.

The alumni were engaged in the discussion by giving their inputs on the 4 events to be conducted jointly by GAAB, BIMTECH Alumni Cell & members of the Mumbai alumni Chapter. Alumni also shared their memories of the BIMTECH campus and the senior alumni too could not resist to talk about the Pushpa Vihar campus of BIMTECH. After the long discussion, the alumni were left to interact with each other informally during dinner. The event was brought to life with photos and video clips captured by Mr Joginder Kumar through his lenses.

The event concluded at around 11 p.m. with some alumni still engaged in discussion as one could notice their reluctance to leave. The alumni left at a Happy note with a commitment to interact & engage at more such occasions.

Mumbai on 4th May 2019

The much awaited alumni meet was scheduled on 4th May 2019 6 pm onwards in Mumbai at the banquet hall of Hotel Karl Residency in Andheri West. This banquet hall was location because of its central location. The meet was attended by 70 plus alumni along with their spouses and children. Total attendance was 100+. For the first time we had people from very senior batches coming in for the meet. The attendance was taken and the alumni were asked to update their coordinates in a desired format for record purpose. The alumni briefing was done by Dr Gagan Katiyar. The following were shared:

  • Annual activity report of the Alumni cell.
  • GAAB (Global Alumni Association of Bimtech) and its membership details were shared. The purpose of the body was also shared. This body operates independently of Bimtech, Greater Noida.
  • Alumni portal benefits were also shared. Students were asked to update their individual profiles/ job change/ job posting etc. on the Alumni portal. The benefits of networking were also shared.
  • One CSR activity to be undertaken by the Mumbai chapter alumni body.

The senior alumni shared their fond memories of their stay in Bimtech’s Pushp Vihar campus. They also shared their thoughts to make the alumni meets more productive and vibrant. The ideas also came from many alumni how to engage more with the college and the students. Prof Manoj Pant also share the idea of the senior alumni taking leads:

  • For mentoring the college students and helping out in summer internships and placements.
  • Inviting them for the guest lecture in the college, viva, Academic advisory, being judge in programs like Lyceum etc.

We conducted 5-6 lucky draws and awarded the various winners with goodies. We also awarded the alumni who were helpful in running the chapter with their effort.

After that we had formed small groups of Alumni with senior and junior alumni on the same round table. This ensured good networking and engagement with each other. Alumni also gave suggestions as to how to improve the engagement of the Alumni chapters. Lots of photographs and selfies were taken by the Alumni.

This was followed by snacks, beverages and dinner. The discussion amongst the alumni was still happening much after the dinner ended.
Kolkata Alumni Chapter Meet

The Alumni Chapter 2019 was successfully conducted at Kolkata on May 18 2019 wherein 21 alumni attended the event with their spouses and families. Additionally 7 alumni members called prior to the event to express their inability to attend due to ongoing election duties and their desire to reconnect with BIMTECH for future activities. As a Guest of Honor, Prof. A.K Biswas was invited by Prof. Krishan to interact with the students and he was warmly welcomed by all participants.

A positive discussion was undertaken with the students on various issues of the agenda. The discussion is detailed as below,
  • 1. Visiting HR Heads of Companies with reference from some of senior alumni/Getting leads and creating HR database with their help: Many of alumni indicated their interested in helping BIMTECH in updating the extant database. However, they requested that instead of faculty members driving the placement process; students should be encouraged to take up this responsibility. The alumni also suggested that the CCR cell should take more initiative to speak with alumni and initiate more frequent contact.
  • 2. Briefing of BIMTECH Alumni Cell and its activities: The update was given for the recent activities, instituted awards and efforts of Alumni cell to create a more integrated network of Alumni members. The information was appreciated by all participants who also wanted to have more frequent dissemination of information from the institute. A suggestion was made to re-share the links of Facebook, twitter and Linkedin pages of the Alumni cell and use the social media for increasing frequency of contact. These pages may also be used by Alumni for tagging and promotion of BIMTECH.
  • 3. Mapping expectations of alumni from BIMTECH: In terms of expectations, the most alumni expected a much greater frequency of contact than available at present. The alumni also expected the Institute to maintain a more social or informal contact with more than one meeting being held in a year. Suggestions were made to meet 4 – 6 times in a year to create a deeper relationship between the alums and the institute. The alums have also expressed their desire to work for brand – building of BIMTECH if the institute maintains frequent contact with the local chapter.
  • 4. To identify & discuss two creative events to be conducted by the alumni in the coming academic year: Kolkata chapter has decided to hold a CSR oriented event in July 2019 to give back to the society. An additional event will be discussed and decided upon at a later date.
  • 5. Addition of members in the local WhatsApp group of the respective chapter and registering themselves on BIMTECH alumni portal and other social media platforms: Details of missing members or new members has been shared and added to local whatsapp groups. The alumni are of the opinion that the Portal is ineffective for frequent contact and that social media be appropriately used for local chapters as well.
  • 6. Encouraging the alumni to increase job postings & creating blogs on the alumni portal: Alumni have suggested that instead of the portal, Linkedin pages may be used for such postings and information dissemination.
  • 7. Identifying & creating database for providing mentorship to our current students/Atal Incubation Centre: 14 alums have shown interest in the mentorship program whose details have been submitted to the Alumni Cell.
  • 8. Any other creative suggestions for regular interaction: Regularization of Chapter meet and conducted of 4 – 6 informal meets in one year has been suggested by the Alums.

Delhi Chapter Meet : 27th July 2019 – Anand Niketan Club,new Delhi

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” – Dr. Seuss .The above quote stood true the moment when more than 120 alumni who came for the Delhi Chapter Meet, met each other after a long time. Birla Institute of Management Technology organised a Chapter Meet in Delhi on the 27th of July 2019 at Anand Niketan Club to bring together all its alumni and their family together for a grand evening and a memorable experience.

The enthusiasm and excitement of alumni was at peak for the Chapter Meet as they started coming in huge numbers from 6:30 pm onwards. The Chapter Meet not only saw a rise in the recent batch pass outs but saw a huge rise and witness of alumni from the older batches as well.

The registration began at 6:30 pm sharp and continued till 8: 30 pm as the meet saw the surge and peak till 8 pm. The introduction and welcome speech began at exactly 7:30 pm by Dr. Gagan Katiyar, Convener, Alumni Cell as he thanked the alumni for their presence and taking out time from their busy schedule. The working of Alumni Portal and the agenda of the meet was discussed in details during the welcome speech. The Chapter Meet also marked a significant importance as the new manager of Alumni Interface Cell, Ms Madhavi Sharma was introduced to the Alumni and the huge progress the Cell had done within months of her joining as the Manager.

Prof. Pratik Priyadarshi then spoke about the Executive MBA being launched for the first time at Bimtech and how the course would play a significant role in moulding and churning out new managers and leaders.

The Chief Guest for the evening ,Mr. Sakate Khaitan has conveyed his best wishes for the Meet and shared his vision for the Institute as well as for the alumni network and wanted it to be the best among the other B schools in the coming years on video call.

This was followed by the Speech of the President of GAAB , Mr . Alok Gupta followed by Mr. Mohit Chhabra. Both while welcoming the alumni focussed and stressed on the need of a strong alumni network and the role that each alumnus/alumnae has to play to ensure a wider and a strong base.

The Alumnae of Bimtech have also played a huge role in widening and establishing a huge global name for Bimtech. The Women Alumni Meet, Surge also helped the Cell create better network and relations with the Alumnae. The Cell, to thank and congratulate them for their contribution felicitated some of the senior and distinguished Alumnae.

To add to the excitement factor of the meet there was a lucky draw organised with each winner winning a chocolate as a gift. To keep the Alumni engaged game like “Shoot the balloon “and activities for kids like tattoo making, wrist bands of names was also arranged which was highly enjoyed. This was followed by a Video prepared by the Alumni Conduit Members which showed the various activities and events done by the Conduit in the recent past to create excitement and boost the expectations of the alumni for the current year.

The meet ended the Vote of Thanks by Dr. Gagan Katiyar .The Alumni interacted and bonded over dinner as they shared stories and incidents and were gripped by nostalgia as hey went down the memory lanes of the Institute.

The meet was a highly successful event with respect to objectives, interaction and networking. The huge presence of alumni in the meet made it cherishable for years to come as the Alumni Cell looks forward to organise and arrange such successful meets in the near future.



In pursuit of connecting with BIMTECH’s Alumni, post covid times, and after 3 long years, Chennai Alumni chapter Meet was organized on 25th February 2023. Fifteen young spirited Chennai-based Alumni from across the programs graced the event along with their spouse and children at Park Plaza Hotel, Chennai.

As usual, registrations were done to record their presence which also reminded them of marking their attendance during the college days. The QR codes were placed on the venue tables and the alumni were requested to scan the same which redirected them to a “throwback questionnaire” which was about “Life at BIMTECH”. Alumni were made to answer the questions that related to memories of the past during their stay at the campus. This was continued with an ice breaking session which was conducted by Alumni Conduit executive members of Batch of 2022-24.

With a quick show of hands, the executives called upon on stage Alumni from batch 2000-2005 to share their experience & recall memories of BIMTECH almost two decades back. The executives further updated the developments at BIMTECH over the past years to apprise the alumni about the current status and the achievements of their Alma-mater. To make it more engaging and to ensure maximum participation, the conduit executives started with the Rapid fire round where crisp, smart, witty and interesting questions were asked that led the audience to reminiscence old memories and enjoy the lighter moments.

Subsequently, there was a briefing session which was undertaken by Professor Gagan Katiyar (Chairperson, Alumni relations)

The following details were shared as the Agenda of the Alumni Cell for the Chennai chapter meet (FY 2023-24)

  • To include 4 events in this academic year. The events may comprise of Conferences, Industry get- together and events related to CSR.
  • Briefing on Alumni portal and Alumni App benefits including networking.
  • The alumni were also requested to update their individual profiles/ job change/ job posting etc. on the Alumni portal.

Chennai chapter meet convener, Mr. V. Varun was presented with a memento as a token of appreciation. Alumni who graced this occasion with their spouse and the most interactive alumni were also presented with gifts. The event was brought to life with professional photo and video coverage.

This was followed by snacks, beverages and dinner. The event concluded around 11 p.m. with some alumni still engaged in discussion as one could notice their reluctance to leave. The Alumni left on a happy note with a commitment to interact & engage at more such occasions. They also shared their thoughts to make the alumni meetings more productive and vibrant.



The function commenced at around 7.00pm in a venue at Hotel Savera. The ground work for the meet at the local level was laid by our alumni Mr. Varun Venkitakrishnan, Mr. Geetesh Garg and Mr. Kirtivasan, all from PGDM-IBM batches. It was conveyed to us that this function was the first formal alumni meet ever held at Chennai as most of the previous meeting were informal with about 8-10 alumni attending. For this meet, in all, there were 29 BIMTECH alumni who participated out of a registration of 31.Of the 29 participants, 6 were lady alumni. They ranged from the batches 2005-07 to 2016-18. Among the participants were two spouses and a child.

Prof. Priyadharshi welcoming the audience briefly touched upon few of the latest developments in the BIMTECH campus. He stressed that the alumnus could contribute significantly to the brand building of their alma mater.

Prof. Krishnan narrated latest developments on the alumni front, such as the revamping of the alumni portal, increase in its versatility, the developments with regard to GAAB etc. It was explained to assembly that with a view to making the chapters more relevant and self-sufficient it was proposed that they should be conducting two major events every year. One was the a CSR project which the alumni can launch taking into account the local factors as well as the support from various corporates in the city BIMTECH would also help in the conduct of the activity. The idea was to pay back to the society as an initiative from the Chennai chapter of BIMTECH alumni. A creative second event has also to be held by the chapter. It could take the form a seminar/workshop or conference dealing with a very topical subject or issue which would be found relevant by the local industry or corporates. It could be a one or a two day event. The funding for this function will be generated at the chapter level through ad sales in the Souvenir or by other means. The chapter gets to keep the balance amount after expenses, which can be utilized for building a corpus.

The alumni were also informed about a proposal for instituting four awards at the all India levels to develop a spirit of competition among the chapters, the details of will be communicated to them soon. By way of feedback, the alumni who were very enthusiastic, wanted at least one formal meet like the current one each year with BIMTECH participation and were willing to offer they help for implementing all the schemes. They also wanted regular communication from the alumni department.

The function concluded with a vote of thanks from the professors after a sumptuous dinner at Hotel Savera.


Alumni Newsletter

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