

The PRISM best paper awards aims to acknowledge excellent research performed by the authors whose papers have been accepted and presented at the conference. The awards consist of a certificate, together with prize money.
Awards Categories
  • Best Track Research Paper Certificate
  • Pritam Singh Memorial Best Paper Award (INR 10,000)
  • Pritam Singh Memorial Young Scholar Award (INR 10,000)
  • BIMTECH Young Scholar Award (INR 10,000)
  • Systems Thinking Society Best Paper Award (INR 10,000)
  • Sparsh Global Business School Best Paper Award (INR 10,000)

Selected papers post peer reviews will be recommended for publication in regular/special issue of referred journals:

  • International Journal of Electronic Government Research (ABDC – C Category, Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index), INSPEC, SCOPUS, Web of Science (ESCI))
  • Electronic Commerce Research (ABDC – A category, Scopus Indexed, ProQuest)
  • Journal of Consumer Behaviour (ABDC – A category, Scopus Indexed, ProQuest)
  • Qualitative Research in Financial Markets (ABDC – B category, Scopus Indexed)
  • Journal of Global Marketing (ABDC – B category, Scopus Indexed, EBSCOhost, ProQuest)
  • FIIB Review (ABDC – C category, SAGE, Scopus Indexed, Google Scholar, UGC- CARE (Group – II))
  • Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting (ABDC – C category, Scopus Indexed,Google Scholar)
  • Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering (Inder science, Google Scholar)
  • Business Perspectives (SAGE, Google Scholar, Ulrich Web (ProQuest))
  • Manthan Journal of Commerce and Management (UGC CARE, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Summon (ProQuest))
  • Mudra Journal of Finance and Accounting (UGC CARE, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Summon (ProQuest))
  • Book proceedings of selected research papers after planned review would be published in Blumsberry Books India