Archana Shrivastava
Designation: Professor
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: +91-120-6843000-10
Extension: 355
Dr. Shrivastava earned her Ph.D. in English literature. She is a Thomas certified professional and can perform Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) and Human Job Analysis (HJA). She holds a diploma certificate in NLP (Neuro linguistic Programming) and believes that leveraging peoples’ potential can be a true driver for individual and organisational success. She is trained to teach “Business English Certificate Course” by British Council and is also an active member of ABC (Association for Business Communication), Communication Institute of Greece, and Eastern Association of Communication.
Dr. Shrivastava’s research focuses on human communication, virtual collaborations and cultures. She has authored numerous case studies and research papers which got published in the journals of Taylor and Francis group, Emerald publishing, Ivey, and Case Centre. She is a recipient of a travel grant awarded by AICTE in 2015 for presenting her research at Columbia University in New York. She received the best paper awards in 2017 at the conference in Oxford University & in 2018 in the international conference at Teri University.
She conducts trainings and Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for senior executives of several renowned organizations and PSUs in India like NTPC, NHPC, GAIL, IFFCO, JSW, OBC and Power Grid to name a few.
- Ph. D in English Literature, Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Thesis: “O P Bhatnagar’s poetry- A Study in Themes and Techniques, 2000
- M.A. English Literature, Dr Hari Singh Gaur University, 1994
- B.A. Humanities, Dr Hari Singh Gaur University, 1992
- Advance Diploma in NLP
- Thomas Certified PPA Practitioner, perform Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) and
- Human Job Analysis (HJA).
- Business English Certification by British Council
- Certificate in Qualitative Data Analysis Using MAXQDA
- Virtual collaborations
- Cultures
- Human communication
- Leadership communication
- Verbal and non-verbal transactions
- Business Communication
- Cross cultural communication
- Soft skills and personality development
- Business writing
- Happiness and well being
- English Literature
- English Language
- Associate Professor, Business Communication, Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida, India, September 2008 – onwards.
- Senior Lecturer, Disha Institute of Management and Technology, Raipur, India July 2005 – March 2008.
- Lecturer, St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur, India, August 2004- August 2005
- Assistant Professor Disha College, Raipur, India, August 2003- August 2004
- IEM (Information, Education and Motivation) organiser, Family Planning Association of India, Sagar, MP, India August 1994 – December 1996.
- Area Head, Business Communication, Birla Institute of Management Technology, June 2016 – Present.
- Internal Member, Academic Council, Birla Institute of Management Technology, June 2016 onwards
- Member, Centre for Management Case Development (CMCD), Birla Institute of Management Technology, June 2013 onwards
- Member, Centre for MDP and Consultancy (CMDC), Birla Institute of Management Technology, June 2013 onwards
- Member, Centre for Corporate Relations (CCR), Birla Institute of Management Technology, June 2013 onwards
- Member of Association of Business Communication 2015 onwards
- Member of Communication Institute of Greece 2018 onwards
- Member of Eastern Communication Association 2017 onwards
- Best Research paper award at Teri University, India, February 2018
- Best Research paper award at Oxford university, London, 2017
- Collaborative computing scholar badge by IBM for conducting Virtual Business Project 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
- AICTE travel grant for presenting paper at Columbia university, New York in 2014
- First position in merit list, Gold Medal in Post-Graduation
- Fifth position in merit list in Graduation. Received Scholarship for higher education
- Certificate of merit for outstanding academic performance and for being among the top 0.1% of successful candidates of All India Senior School Certificate Examination 1989 in History.
- Shrivastava, A. (2020). (In press), Using Native Advertising Approach for Knowledge Creation in Cross-Cultural Studies. Journal of Teaching in International Business, https://doi.org/10.1080/08975930.2019.1698390.
- Shrivastava, A. (2020). (In press), Revising and Validating Scale to Measure Communication Effectiveness in Indian Organisations. Int. Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management.
- Shrivastava, A. Are Millennials Communication Deficient? Solving a Generational Puzzle in an Indian Context (2020). (In press), IEEE Transaction on Professional Communication.
- Shrivastava Archana (2019), Using Collaborative Project for Learning Effective Ways of Working Harmoniously with People from Different Cultures, International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication, 8 (1), pp 47-54
- Shrivastava Archana (2018), “Using connectivism theory and technology for knowledge creation in cross-cultural communication.” Research in Learning Technology, ALT Open Access Journal 26: 2061 Scopus Indexed http://dx.doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v26.2061
- Shrivastava Archana, Sharma Nagendra Nath , Sharma Nitika (2018), “Havells India Ltd: QRG foundation on the cross road”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Scopus Indexed, https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-03-2018-0034, Vol. 8 No. 4.
- Shrivastava Archana (2018), “A Small Initiative in the Journey of Making Leaders with the Help of Authentic Leadership Model”. Emerald Publishing, The International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Sciences Scopus Indexed, https://doi.org/10.1108/K-01-2018-0003
- Shrivastava Archana, Midha Manujata and Varma Richa (2017), Employability skills: A Comparative Study of Students from Metro and Two Tier Cities in India FOCUS-The International Journal of Management, Volume 12. No 2 51-58, ISSN:0973-9165
- Shrivastava Archana, Midha Manujata, (2016), “Transactional Style Inventory – A Tool to Enhance Interpersonal Effectiveness, International Journal on Leadership Volume 4 Issue 2 October 2016 ISSN Number: 2321-1865
Indexed: ProQuest, in-scholar database - Shrivastava Archana, Srivastava Arun, (2016),”Measuring communication competence and effectiveness of ASHAs (accredited social health activist) in their leadership role at rural settings of Uttar Pradesh (India)”, Leadership in Health Services, Vol. 29 Iss 1 pp. 69 – 81, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, Scopus Indexed, Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/LHS-12-2014-0079
- Shrivastava Archana (2014) “Active Empathic Listening as a Tool for Better Communication.” Published in International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication- Volume 3, Issue 3 & 4, July & October, ISSN Number: 2277–484X
- Shrivastava Archana (2013) “Multi- Channel Communication Tools and their role in growing snack foods culture in India.” Published in Indian Journal of Scholarship Research, Volume 2/ Issue 9, ISSN NO 2278-8271
- An Exploratory Study to Investigate the Interpersonal Listening Behaviour in Personal Sales Context, its Impact on the Customer’s perception and Output. (With Dr Ruchi Tandon)
- Measuring Cultural Sensitivity in Virtual Collaborations (With Dr Stephanie, Germany)
- Leadership Communication Styles and their Impact on Team Members (Ms Pallavi Katoch)
- Priya Pankaj, Shrivastava Archana (2018), “Voice-Tongue.Com: Yearning For Revival in A Changed Scenario” Case Centre. CASE ID 315-0320-1
- Priya,P. and Srivastava, A. (2018)“Voice & Tongue.com: A venture in peril” In Organisational Development through Strategic Management. Bloomsbury India.
- Shrivastava Archana (2018), Are Assumptions Impeding Communications at Nikunj Builders? ET Cases. CASE ID: OB-2-0066, OB-2-0066A, Date:8/5/2018
- Sharma Nitika, Shrivastava Archana (2017). Hari Krishna Diamond Cutting, Retaining Talents in Times of Crisis. IVEY, Product No. 9B17C029.
- Shrivastava Archana, Bindra Arshleen (2015) Re-Designing Organizational Communication Model of Akosha: an Online Consumer Forum in India to Resolve Consumer Complaints, The Case Centre, Case ID. 315-033-1
- Shrivastava Archana (2014), Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Model for Improving Organic agriculture in India-A Case Study on communication & Awareness Strategies of Morarka Foundation. Case Centre, Case ID 914-017-1.
- Shrivastava Archana, Midha Manujata (2014) Developing Softer Transferable Skills through Team Activities. Case Centre, Case ID 314-149-1.
- Member, Editorial Team -South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases
- Reviewer, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 2019.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 2018 -2019.
- Reviewer, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 2018-19
- Shrivastava, Archana (2019), Latent Variables to Measure Communication Effectiveness in Organisations, participated at TISS, Mumbai.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2019), Learning Cross Culture through Virtual Collaboration, presented at presented at International conference of Management Cases in BIMTECH.
- Shrivastava, Archana & Shawkeen Bharti (2018), E-mail Mishap in Placement Drive, presented at International conference of Management Cases in BIMTECH.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2018). Understanding Cultures through Socio-Cultural Theory and Collaborative Learning Framework” presented at IIM Kozhikode on 7-8 December 2018.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2018). Using Connectivism Theory & Technology for Knowledge Creation has been accepted for the conference, presented at IIM Indore on 4 May 2018.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2018) “QRG Foundation-Social Agenda Initiative by Havells India Ltd. Presented on 22 February 2018 at Teri University, India.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2017). Learning Effective ways of Working Harmoniously with People of Different Cultures through Collaborative Project, presented on 16th December at IIT Roorkee.
- Shrivastava, Archana and Katoch Pallavi (2017). Relating Emotional Quotient to Understand Self & Adapt Socially, presented on 7 July 2017 at Oxford University, Said Business School, London.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2017). Communication challenges at Nikunj Bulders, presented in the International conference of Management Cases at BIMTECH, India.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2015). Strategies to Enhance Interpersonal Effectiveness through Transactional Style Inventory, presented in International Conference on Management Cases (ICMC -15) at Birla Institute of Management Technology on December.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2015). Employability Skills: A Comparative Study of Students from Metro and Tier-II cities in India on 18 & 19 April 2015 in the International Conference titled Globalizing Brand India: Opportunities and Challenges, presented at IIM Kashipur.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2014). Diagnosing Organizational Communication Model of Akosha- an Online Consumer Forum in India to Resolve Consumer Complaints, presented in International Conference ICMC -14 at Birla Institute of Management Technology on December, 5 & 6th.
- Shrivastava, Archana & Srivastava, Arun (2014). Measuring Communication Competence and Effectiveness of ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activist) in Uttar Pradesh (India), presented in international conference organized by Global Association of MDP (Master’s in Development Practice) Program and the UN Sustainable Development Solution at Columbia University- New York, on 17-18 September.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2014). Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Model for Improving Organic Agriculture in India: A Case Study on Communication & Awareness Strategies of Morarka Foundation” presented in an international conference organized by Global Association of MDP (Master’s in Development Practice) Program and the UN Sustainable Development Solution at Columbia University, New York, on 17-18 September.
- Shrivastava, Archana (2014). Marioc- A Company with purpose, presented in The Case Centre Anniversary Conference at IIM Bangalore on 8-9 September.
- Over 300 trainings and workshops in Interpersonal Communication, Business writing, Presentation Skills, Business Etiquettes, for more than 2,500 business executives in various organisations like NTPC, NHPC, POWER GRID, JSW, OBC, IFFICO, etc., 2011 – present
- 1 doctoral candidate awarded the degree from Amity University in 2019–Devesh Kumar Sharma
- 1 doctoral candidate in progress at Alliance University, Bangalore – M S R Chandrasekhar