Himanshi Tiwari
Designation: Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: +91-120-6843000-10
Extension: 391
In a career span of more than 18 years, Prof. Himanshi Tiwari has worked as consultant in social sector and handled monitoring & evaluation programs for World Bank, Oxfam & Care India. She was also member of the team which prepared training modules for CAPART (Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology) and JFM (Joint Forest Management) project for Forest Department, Lucknow.
She has been a visiting faculty with the University of Lucknow for teaching courses in MHRM & IR, Department of Social Work. She has been resource person for executive training programs for organizations like, NTPC, IFFCO, NBCC, UCO Bank, Power Grid, Hindustan Times, and BFIN Nepal etc.
She is Principal Investigator and India Coordinator of a multi country project, which aims at SDG5 and is committed towards the cause of Women Empowerment & Gender Equality named Project “RAINBOW”, funded by European Union’s Erasmus+s Program.
She has keen interest in Hindi Literature, debating, politics, music and mythology. Sahitya and Aadhyatm are the two words that define her. Communication is her live and the addressing and kindling young minds for positivity is her driving force to be in teaching profession. Understanding and applying the intercommunion of Science and Spirituality to solve existential problems of youth and women is her long term life mission.
- PhD thesis titled, “Career anchors in decision–making by non-working educated urban women to join workforce: A study of National Capital Region”, submitted, October 2019, School of Business Studies, Sharda University, Greater Noida.
- University Grants Commission, National Eligibility Test (UGC-NET), 2001.
- Masters of Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations(MHRM & IR), University of Lucknow, 2001.
- Bachelor of Arts(BA), University of Lucknow, 1999.
- Career Anchors of Women
- Gender Studies and Women Leadership
- Sustainable Workplace
- Future of Work
- Strategic HRM
- Emotional Intelligence & Spiritual Intelligence
- Autoethnography, Narrative Inquiry & other Qualitative Research Methods
- Leadership Lessons from Ancient Indian Scriptures
- Organizational Behaviour
- Human Resource Management
- Learning & Development
- Managing People and Performance in Organizations
- Talent Acquisition, Retention and Engagement
- International Human Resource Management
- Leadership Experience & Attitude Development (LEAD)
- Assistant Professor, OB & HR Area, Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida, India, May 2010 – onwards.
- Senior Lecturer, OB & HR, Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida, India, February 2007 – May 2010.
- Senior Lecturer, OB & HR, Sherwood College of Management, ALJAKTU, Lucknow, August 2005-April 2007.
- Lecturer, OB & HR, Unity Degree College, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, 2003-July 2005.
- Visiting Professor, MHRM & IR, Department of Social Work, University of Lucknow, January 2002- 2004.
- Management Trainee, PSU Foundation, Lucknow, 2002-2003
- Management Trainee, SSK, Lucknow, (sister concern of PRIA Foundation, New Delhi), 2001-2002.
- Co-chaired, International Doctoral Consortium, (IDC8), organized by Birla Institute of Management Technology in association with Sobey School of Business PHD Program, Saint Mary’s University, Canada, June 2018.
- Co-Convener Centre for International Affairs (CIA), Birla Institute of Management Technology, September 2016-June 2018.
- Member Secretary, Strategic Management Committee (SMC), Birla Institute of Management Technology, June 2018 – May 2019.
- Convener, Student Club and Conduit Committee, Birla Institute of Management Technology, June 2019 – onwards.
- Member, Student Club and Conduit Committee, Birla Institute of Management Technology, June 2017-May 2019.
- Member, Cultural Conduit, Birla Institute of Management Technology, June 2007- May 2017.
- Member Academic Block Discipline Committee, Birla Institute of Management Technology, 2016-2018.
- Life Member, All India Management Association, June 2009- onwards.
- Life Member, National Human Resource Development Network (NHRDN), 2009-onwards.
- Life Member, Association of International Management Scholars (AIIMS), 2010- onwards
- Best Case Study Award, The Case Centre UK (formerly known as European Case Clearing House, ECCH), 2015 & 2016.
- Best Conference Paper Award in 5th International HR Conference, K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, California State YUNNAN University and AMDISA, 2018.
- Bimtech G D Sardana, Young Scholar Award, Birla Institute of Management Technology, 2018.
- Grant of 560,000 EURO for 6 partners from India, Austria, Finland and Spain for Project RAINBOW – Realizing Aspirations, Interests and Brilliance of Women, a field research on women capacity need gap and capacity building methods, as well as opening of a Career Counselling and Guidance centre, co funded by European Union (EU), Erasmus+Program for Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education, 2018-2021; project leads Himanshi Tiwari and Rahul Singh.
- Grant of 50000 INR for field research, ‘A study of Push and Pull forces accountable for Attracting Talented/Trained Men & Women to Make Career in Industrial Relations’ funded by Research Grant Scheme, Birla Institute of Management Technology, 2016.
- Grant of 25000 INR, for field research ‘Effect of Emotional Labour Profile of Employees on Service Quality and Customer Relationship in Selected Service Organizations’, funded by Research Grant Scheme, Birla Institute of Management Technology, 2009; project leads, Himanshi Tiwari, Kartik Dave.
- Tiwari, H. (2019). Encounters with Gendered Realities in Career Decision-making While Scouting Women Participation in the Indian Workforce. Business Perspectives and Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/2278533719833814.
- Tiwari, H. (2019). A Narrative Enquiry into Gender Role Differentiation by Males of the Family in Career Choice Decisions of Female Child. Business Perspectives and Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/2278533719833813.
- Tiwari, H. (2016). Skilling Youth for Improved Employability, Enhanced Livelihood and Augmented Self Esteem: A case of GMR Varalakshmi Foundation. Business Perspectives, Vol.15 No. 1.
- Tiwari, H. (2015). Exploring Contribution of Spiritual and Emotional Intelligences (SI & EI) of young Management Graduates to responsible Business Leadership. Journal of Shinawatra University, Vol.2, No.2.
- Tiwari, H. (2015). Man’s Search for Meaning, Journal of Positive Psychology, Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare, Vol. 6, No.1.
- Practising Gender during Work from Home (WFH) in times of Covid-19: thoughts on Reflexivity using Collective Autoethnography, working paper.
- Tiwari, H., Saran M. (2017). Exploring Ways to Develop and Engage Employees at METAFLEX Doors India Pvt Ltd. The Case Centre UK, https://www.thecasecentre.org/programmeAdmin/products/view?id=147605.
- Tiwari, H. (2016). A Flip of trust with a discount on cart: A case of Flipkart Flip-Flop. The Case Centre UK, https://www.thecasecentre.org/educators/products/view?id=138786.
- Tiwari, H., Gola, D. (2016).Below the Line Promotional Activities at Naturals New Delhi. The Case Centre UK, https://www.thecasecentre.org/main/products/view?id=135858
- Sinha, K.K., Tiwari, H. (2019). Return of the Surya- The Ever Rising and Transforming Human Resources. Bloomsbury India.
- Lämsä A-M., Heikkinen S., Bhatt A., Beinhauer, R., Goswami S., Hollström-Mikkonen F., Lalwani S., Muncherji N., Singh R., Tiwari H. & Valcárcel C. (2020). Career Counselling for Women’s Empowerment. Bloomsbury India. (In Press)
Book Chapter
- Lämsä A-M., Heikkinen S., Beinhauer, R., Muncherji N., Singh R., & Tiwari H. & Valcárcel C. (2019). Career counselling at Indian universities: Cases from different regions, in H. Lehtimaki, & A.K. Dey (eds), Ethics and responsibility in human resources, leadership and start-up business, (pp. 3-13). Bloomsbury India.
- Tiwari, R. & Tiwari, H.(2018). Born to Fly: Case of Project Protsahan Chirraiya. In A. K. Dey, & T. Thatchenkery. (eds), Advances in Social Change, Leadership & Organizational decision Making, (pp. 3-13). Bloomsbury India.
- Tiwari, H., Teja V.B. (2016). The idea of IDEA! A case of propagating social awareness & national connect through responsible advertising, in B. Chatterjee, S. Das, B.S. Sahay, G. Subramaniam, R.V. Rao (eds), CSR: Social Responsibility & Inclusive Growth, (pp. 320-339). Bloomsbury International.
- Tiwari, H. & Saran, M. (2016). Talent Management and Employee Engagement at MDIPL, in G.D. Sardana, T. Thatchenkery. (eds), Knowledge Creation and Organizational wellbeing: Leveraging Talent Management and Appreciative Intelligence, (pp. 329-340).Bloomsbury India.
- Tiwari, H. (2015). Catch them young! Exploring Recruiters Expectations while Procuring Leaders for the Future, in N. Muncherji, A. Sinha, R. Shah. (eds), Business Excellence & Leadership: Transforming HR for Enhanced Organizational Capability, (pp. 36-48). Excel Publications.
- Tiwari, H. (2015) Promoting(Conventional) Beauty Unconventionally: Below the Line (BTL) Activities at Naturals, in G.D. Sardada, T. Thatchenkery. (eds), Optimizing Business Growth Strategies for scaling Up(pp. 68-80). Bloomsbury India.
- National HR Summit. Birla Institute of Management Technology. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019.
- Editorial Board member, BIMTECH Business Perspectives, 2013-onwards.
- Reviewer, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 2011-onwards.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS), Inderscience Publishers Ltd., 2017-2018.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (IJHRDM), Inderscience Publishers Ltd., 2017-2018.
- Editorial Advisor, Vyapar Expert, 2019-onwards.
- Tiwari, H. (2018, December). Doing Gender in Career Decision Making: An Autoethnographic Revelation, presented in International Conference in Management Cases ICMC, India.
- Tiwari, H. (2018, June). Autoethnography as contemporary critical social research for gathering Evidences of Doing Gender in Career Decision Making: A Review, presented in International Doctoral Consortium- IDC by Birla Institute of Management Technology and Sobey School of Business PHD Program, Saint Mary’s University, Canada.
- Tiwari, H. (2018, February). Finding the Missing Women in Indian Workforce: An Investigation, presented in 5th International HR Conference, by K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India in collaboration with California State University, Yunnan University and AMDISA.
- Tiwari, H. (2018, February). Father’s Intercession in Career Choice Decisions of their daughters: A Narrative Enquiry, presented in 5th International HR Conference, by K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India in collaboration with California State University, Yunnan University and AMDISA.
- Tiwari, H. (2017, June). (Who) Choose your Battle before you Win! Understanding Career Anchors and Factors affecting the Career Choice Decisions of Female Management Graduates, presented in European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Annual Conference, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Tiwari, H. (2020, April). Lessons from Global Pandemic, Covid-19: Do not Dominate and Shrink the Natural World, http://blog.bimtech.ac.in/lessons-from-global-pandemic-covid-19/.
- Tiwari, H. (2020, February). Participation of educated women in the workforce in India: A teaser to begin with, http://projectrainbow.in/blog/participation-of-educated/
- Management Development Programs in the area of Mind Techniques for Positive Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Motivation & Personal effectiveness, Creativity and Innovation, Decision Making for Managers, Performance Management, Managerial Effectiveness, Stress Management and General Management for Executives of NTPC, IFFCO, NBCC, UCO Bank, NHPC, Power Grid, Hindustan Times, BFIN Nepal etc.