


Chairperson's Message

Dr. G. N. Patel

Chairperson - Center for Research

The Centre for Research, through its fellow programmes, strives towards the mission of developing management faculty as global thought leaders. At the same time the Centre endeavours to transform young researchers into innovative thinkers and solution providers.

Program Highlights

The Centre for Research conducts doctoral level programmes besides conducting research seminars, conferences and workshops. It has been one of the earliest centres of its kind in private business schools in the country. The Centre has influenced policy and structure of many organizations through its research output. The Centre offers Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) and Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM).

Research Guide Faculty Members List:

Sr.N.FacultyFaculty Link
1Dr. Amarnath Bose
2Dr. Anuj Sharma
3Dr. AV Shukla
4Dr. Gagan Katiyar
5Dr. Garima Malik
6Dr. Girish Jain
7Dr. Gokulananda Patel
8Dr. Jaya Gupta
9Dr. Khanindra Ch. Das
10Dr. Manosi Chaudhuri
11Dr. Meena Bhatia
12Dr. Monika Jain
13Dr. Navin Kumar Shrivastava
14Dr. Nidhi Sahore
15Dr. Nisha Bamel
16Dr. Pankaj Priya
17Dr. Pooja Malik
18Dr. Pooja Misra
19Dr. Pradeep Kumar
20Dr. Prateek Jain
21Dr. Shreya Mishra
22Dr. SM Fatah Uddin
23Dr. TV Ramana
24Dr. Veenu Sharma

To download information bulletin Click Here

Admissions for the 13th batch of 2025 will open in January 2025

Birla Institute of Management Technology offers a Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) approved by All India Council for Technical Education (Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India), which is a doctoral level programme for full time research scholar, with an objective to groom talented young researchers to be transformed into innovative thinkers and real world solution providers, seeking opportunities in academics or industry. The FPM effectively draws from the research strengths of faculty members at BIMTECH, who have cutting-edge research competence. This programme is both academically rigorous as well as highly relevant to the needs of today’s globalised business.


BIMTECH offers a monthly scholarship of Rs. 40,000 in the first year followed by Rs.45,000 in second year and Rs.50,000 thereafter , to its full time research scholars. In addition to the monthly stipend, full time research scholars also receive a research grant up to of Rs. 1.80 Lakhs.


In addition to training future researchers in the domain of business education, this programme also serves to boost research capability and invigorate motivation and creativity. FPM (Doctoral) scholars are expected to be involved as research/teaching assistants and strive to be co-author with faculty members, making it a win-win proposition for the scholars as well as the mentors.


The research focus of FPM (Doctoral) programme leads to state-of-art research insights. This contributes both to the research scholars getting new knowledge and the institute in bringing the new knowledge to the classroom. Leading Business schools around the globe, without exception, have this feature in their curriculum.


FPM is aligned to our mission of creating and disseminating knowledge in global context which suitably places our Fellows as future faculty and industrial researchers. It embodies our assurance to being a class apart; being innovative. Ultimately, it enables us to have a superior impact on academia as well as industry. This programme is a full time programme.

The Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM) at BIMTECH approved by All India Council for Technical Education (Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) is a doctoral level programme designed to gratify the erudite needs of working business executives. It prepares executives for careers in management teaching and research scholar as well as in management practice, consulting and development.The programme is built on the executives’ past experience and academic achievements. It helps the executive maximize his/her effectiveness as an educator or practitioner. The programme helps the executives in their current management roles as well as preparing them for possible careers in academia or consulting.The EFPM is designed to enhance the research and consulting skills of the executive. The Programme is also expected to increase the executives’ understanding of research methodology and techniques applicable in business.

Tuition Fee is Rs. 80,000/- per annum. After 4 semesters, the tuition fee will increase by Rs. 10,000 every year

Sr.No.Author(s)Title of paperName of the JournalYear of PublicationABDCSCOPUSWOSWeblink
1Sachin Tyagi, Shreya Mishra & Ajoy K. DeyWell-Being Among Health Care Professionals: A Hybrid Review, Integrative Framework and Research
International Journal of Stress Management2024AScopusWOS 
2Nivedita Jha, Pooja Malik, GN Patel, Violeta CvetkoskaUnveiling the Roots of Cyberloafing: A Fuzzy Analytic Perspective on Antecedents in the Indian
IT Landscape
Croatian Operational Research Review2024 ScopusWOSLink
3Lagna Nayak & Pooja MalikTwo decades of learning agility and an integrated framework: A review of literature and
bibliometric analysis
International Journal of Organisational Analysis2024BScopusWOSLink
4D. K. Malhotra & Sheetal GuptaAn Empirical Examination of Economies of Scale in the Indian Banking SectorInternational Journal of Business and Emerging Markets2024 Scopus  
5Thawani, B., Panigrahi, T., & Bhatia, M.Eleven years of Integrated Reporting: A Bibliometric AnalysisInternational Journal of Disclosure and Governance2024BScopusWOSLink
6Thawani, B., & Bhatia, M.Antecedents of Integrated Reporting adoption: Evidence from an Emerging EconomyInternational Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting2024BScopusWOSLink
7Thawani, B., & Sahay, A.Reliance Jio: The Quest for 5GAsian Journal of Management Cases2024CScopusWOS 
8Mayuk Dasgupta and Ajoy Kumar DeyWork engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of job craftingInt. J. Indian Culture and Business Management2024  WOSLink
9Shreeram Iyer, Nisha Bamel, Mohd Akbar AnsariLeveraging Corporate Venture Capital for Customer-Centric Innovation in the Hospitality IndustryEuropean Economic Letters2024C   
10Shreeram Iyer, Nisha Bamel, Mohd Akbar Ansari, Rahul SinghPrism of Corporate Innovation: Every Firm Has a Lens of Its Own to Work With StartupsNorthern Economic Review2024C  Link
11RSK Sharma, Girish Jain & PC BiswalInternecine interrelations among liquidity risk, market risk and credit risk in Indian banking
Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting2023CScopus Link
12Bhatia, M., Mehrotra, V., & Thawani, B.Firm Characteristics and Adoption of Integrated Reporting: An Emerging Market PerspectiveGlobal Business Review2023CScopusWOSLink
13Suman PhalswalMapping the Grassroots Innovation Research: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future AgendaJournal of Scientometric Research2023 ScopusWOSLink
14Reeti Kulshrestha, Arunaditya Sahay and Subhanjan SenguptaConstituents and Drivers of Mission Engagement for Social Enterprise Sustainability: A
Systematic Review
The Journal of Entrepreneurship2022C  Link
15Virender Kumar; Arun SahaySSA Techno Construction Pvt Ltd: Standing at CrossroadsCase Centre Case repository2022   Link
16Ashutosh Kumar & Rahul SinghJob Guarantee as Tool for Women’s Empowerment: Propensity Score Matching AnalysisInternational Journal of Business and Management2022 Scopus Link
17Deepak Chamola, Ajoy Kumar Dey & Arunaditya SahayBenevolent Leader as a Social EntrepreneurFIIB Business Review2022CScopusWOSLink
18Deepak Chamola, Ajoy Kumar Dey, Arunaditya Sahay & Rahul SinghBuilding members’ trust in a producer company through social capitalJournal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies2022C  Link
19RSK Sharma, Kumar Bijoy & Arunaditya SahayIssues in liquidity management in banking system: An empirical evidence from Indian commercial
Cogent Economics & Finance2022BScopus Link
20Tiwary, D., Das, K. C., Shettigar, J., & Misra, PExchange Rate Volatility and Financial Stress: Evidence from Developing AsiaJournal of Emerging Market Finance2022BScopus Link
21Saurabh Pradhan, Pankaj Priya, Gokulananda PatelProduct bundling for ‘Efficient’ vs ‘Non-Efficient’ customers: Market Basket Analysis employing
Genetic Algorithm
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research2022BScopus Link
22Mayuk Dasgupta & A. K. DeyMediating role of job crafting in the relationship between organisational culture and employee
International Journal Indian Culture and Business Management2021  WOSLink
23Daitri Tiwary1 and Arunaditya Sahay1DHFL Meltdown: The Corporate Governance LapsesAsian Journal of Management Cases2021CScopus Link
International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process2021 Scopus Link
25Reeti Kulshrestha, Arunaditya Sahay and Subhanjan SenguptaIndiGo: Cruising in Market but Crashing WithinAsian Journal of Management Cases2021CScopus Link
26Reeti Kulshrestha, Arunaditya Sahay and Subhanjan SenguptaUsing Trust as a Resource for Social Value Creation: A Case of JanaJalSouth Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases2021 Scopus Link
27Virender Kumar, Amrendra Pandey, Rahul SinghCan Artificial Intelligence be a Critical Success Factor of Construction Projects?: Projects
practitioners’ perspectives
Technology Innovation Management Review2021CScopusWOSLink
28Batra, S., Dey, A. K., Singh, R., & Chaudhuri, M.Influence of transactive memory systems and strategic orientations on the performance of
hospitality firms
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights2021CScopus Link
29Reeti Kulshrestha; Arun SahayJet Airways Meets a Tragic FateCase Centre Case repository2020   Link
30Ms. Aditi Mudgal, Dr. Amrendra Pandey, Dr. Amarnath Bose, Dr. Pankaj PriyaONLINE VIDEO NARRATIVES – STRIKING THE RIGHT CHORDS?Academy of Marketing Studies Journal2020B  Link
31Harbir Singh, A. K. Dey & A. SahayCommunication Themes of Patient Engagement for Multispecialty Hospitals: A Nurses’
Journal of Health Management2019BScopus Link
32Subhamay Chatterjee
& Prof A. Sahay
Strategic Intervention in Baxol India Limited (BIL) for Accelerating GrowthInternational Journal of Scientific & Technology Research2019 Scopus Link
33Reeti Kulshrestha; Arun SahayAirtel: Standing at CrossroadsCase Centre Case repository2019   Link
34Srivastava, Ritu and Cheema, SurbhiHow Gender Integration Can Reduce the Income-Inequality GapAustralasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal2019BScopus Link
International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process2019 Scopus Link
36Batra, S., & Dey, A. K.When do entrepreneurial firms benefit from transactive memory systems?South Asian Journal of Business Studies2019CScopus Link
37Arpita Mehrotra & Arunaditya SahayPerformance of Firms post Mergers and Acquisitions: A Critical ReviewInternational Research Journal of Management Science & Technology2018   Link
38Subhanjan Sengupta & Arunaditya SahayConceptualizing social entrepreneurship in the context
of emerging economies: an integrative
review of past
research from BRIICS
Bioresource Technology Reports2018 ScopusWOSLink
39Subhanjan SenguptaReview of trends in biogas upgradation technologies and future perspectivesBioresource Technology Reports2018 ScopusWOSLink
40Subhanjan Sengupta & Arunaditya SahaySocial Entreprises in the Indian context: conceptualizing through qualitative lensJournal of Global Entrepreneurship Research2018  WOSLink
41Nimisha SinghCloud Crime and Fraud: A Study of Challenges for Cloud Security and ForensicsCloud Crime and Fraud2018   Link
42Shubhra Bahal & Kartik DaveValue Perception of Consumers towards Luxury Apparels and Accessories: A Study in Delhi/NCR
IOSR Journal of Business and Management2018   Link
43Shubhra Bahal & Kartik DaveAttitude towards Luxury Apparel and Accessories A Study on Young and Middle aged Consumers in
The Indian Journal of Commerce2018   Link
44Tushar Sankar Banerjee & Arunaditya SahayMuskaan: How to Ensure SustainabilityIVEY Publishing2018   Link
45Tushar Sankar BanerjeeWeekend Works: Junkart at a crossroadsEMERALD EMERGING MARKETS CASE STUDIES2018 Scopus Link
46Monika Punn & Manosi ChaudhuriImpact of Social Media Usage on Recruitment in the Indian IT IndustryAmity Business Review2018   Link
47Shreya Mishra, Manosi Chaudhuri & A. K. DeyLeaders’ Approach and the Bullies It Nauture: A Qualitative StudyIOSR Journal of Business and Management2018   Link
48Shreya Mishra, Manosi Chaudhuri & A. K. DeyIn the Eye of the Beholder: A Review of Qualitative Studies on Workplace BullyingInternational Journal of Research in Social Sciences2018   Link
49Aditi Mudgal & A. SahayIndiGo: Standing At CrossroadsCase Centre Case repository2018   Link
50Aditya Kumar Gupta & A. K. DeyInfluence of Student Engagement of Learning GainsAmity Business Review2018   Link
51Ms. Aditi Mudgal, Dr. A. SahayIndiGO: Standing at CrossroadsCase Centre Case repository2018   Link
52Mwila Mulenga & Meena BhatiaThe Review of Literature on the Role of Earnings, Cash Flows and Accruals in Predicting of
Future Cash Flows
Accounting and Finance Research2017   Link
53Subhanjan Sengupta & Arunaditya SahaySocial entrepreneurship research in Asia-Pacific: perspectives and opportunitiesSocial Enterprise Journal2017CScopusWOSLink
54Subhanjan Sengupta & Arunaditya SahayComparing mission statements of social enterprises and corporate enterprises in the new and
renewable energy sector of India: a computer aided content analysis study
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research2017  WOSLink
55Nidhi Sharma Sahore & Anshul VermaCorporate Disclosures and Financial Performance of Selected Indian Manufacturing and Non-
Manufacturing Companies
Accounting and Finance Research2017   Link
56Abhijeet Lele & Parameswar NayakAssessing Learning Styles to Improves Skill Development: A Case Study of NASSCOMInt. J. Information Technology and Management2017  WOSLink
57Abhijeet Lele & Parameswar NayakIndentification of Predictor Variables Influencing Learning Style Preferences of Knowledge
Workers in Indian IT Service Companies
Amity Business Review2017   Link
58Nitin Aggarwal & Manosi ChaudhuriImproving Engagement of Concessionaire EmployeesAmity Business Review2017   Link
59Mayuk Dasgupta & A. SahaySaral Rozgar: Jobs on Mobile Phone for the Blue-collared WorkersVIKALPA2017 Scopus Link
60Amrendra PandeyThe impact of external shock and monetary policy on inflation in IndiaInternational Journal of Research in Social Sciences2016    
61Amrendra Pandey & J. ShettigarRelationship between crude oil price, money supply and inflation in IndiaInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences2016   Link
62Bhavna Anjaly & Veenu SharmaOffline Vs Online Buying: An Assessment through Analytic Hierarchy Process ApproachInternational Journal of Innovative Research and Development2016   Link
International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process2016   Link
64Pratigya Kwatra, Nimisha Singh, Akhil Pandey and Arunaditya SahayCSR as a strategy in Tata Power Delhi Distribution LimitedEMERALD EMERGING MARKETS CASE STUDIES2016 Scopus Link
65Veenu Sharma, Richa Singh & GN PatelMeasuring the effect of brand equity on the consumers’ purchase intentionInternational Journal of Services Technology and Management2015   Link
66Anoop Gupta & A V ShuklaStore Choice Behaviour for Consumer Durables in NCT-Delhi: Effect of Shopper’s DemographicsPublished Research Paper in Approved Journal, SAGE Publications2015   Link
67Subhanjan Sengupta & Arunaditya SahaySAI MARINE EXPORTS AT A CROSSROADSIVEY Publishing2015   Link
68Ramadhani Khalid Mndeme & Shri PrakashModelling Relations of Economic Growth with Banks’ Deposits and Credits in TanzaniaVarta2015    
69Ramadhani Khalid MndemeMovement and Misalignment of Exchange Rate: Analysis of Its Impact on Tanzanian EconomyIISTE2015   Link
70Ramadhani Khalid MndemeImpact of Non Interest Income on Banking Performance in TanzaniaInternational Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management2015   Link
71Ramadhani Khalid MndemeDomestic Investment, Savings and Economic Growth in Tanzania: A Dynamic Multivariate AnalysisJournal of Economics and Sustainable Development2015   Link 
72Nimisha Singh and Abha RishiOpen source ERP – a change maker in emerging
Int. J. Services Technology and Management2015  WOSLink
73Parul Bajaj & Anuj SharmaASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement: Issues and ContentionsSCMS Journal of Indian Management2015 Scopus Link
74Navin Shrivastava & AV ShuklaKey Drivers of Talent Management: A Case Study of Mirco, Small and Medium EnterprisesICMC, Bloomsbery Publication Greater Noida2013    
75Navin Shrivastava & AV ShuklaEmployer Branding: A Study of Relevance and ScopeAmity Business Review2013   Link
76Suman Phalswal, Rohit Bhardwaj, Arunaditya Sahay and M. AkbarDynamic Capabilities of Environmentally Sustainable Enterprises: An Exploratory StudySouth Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases  Scopus Link

In addition to a rigorous but fulfilling Coursework (Phase I) of the E/FPM the scholars are offered various learning opportunities by way of short duration workshops addressed by National and International professors and practitioners. Please click here to see details of workshops held in last 2 years 


NameDesignationEmail IDPhone No.Extension No.
Dr. G.N. PatelChairperson – Centre for Research[email protected]+91-120-6843000-10672
Dr. Pooja MalikCoordinator – Centre for Research[email protected]+91-120-6843000-10443
Mr. Ajeet Singh RauthanManager – Centre for Research[email protected]+91-120-6843000-10, Mob: 9899348244673
Mr. Aavesh KumarAssistant – Centre for Research[email protected]+91-120-6843000-10, Mob: 7042494212674

Toll Free Number : 1800 5723 999

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